If you want to look good and feel good, you need to make sure you eat a healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals. Whatever eating plan you follow, here are 10 foods that should be included in your diet on a regular basis:

walnuts – These include almonds, Brazil, walnuts, pistachio, pine, hazelnut are very rich in vitamins and minerals that can help prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases and help maintain healthy skin. Walnuts are a great way to keep hunger at bay, so they make a fantastic mid-morning/afternoon snack, because they are high in “good” fats, take longer to digest and keep you feeling full for longer, therefore, they should be consumed in moderation. Almonds are high in calcium and almond milk is a great alternative for those who don’t eat dairy.

Beans (legumes) – includes kidney beans, broad beans, chickpeas (garbanzo), black beans, lentils – beans are a great source of vitamins and minerals and can help prevent diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. They can also be a great source of protein for vegetarians.

berries – these include strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, black currants, blueberries and blueberries. Berries are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps fight infection and boost the immune system. Cranberries and blueberries are great for fighting kidney, bladder, and urinary tract infections.

Asparagus – Asparagus is a great source of vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, potassium and iron which help promote energy, healing and fight infection. It’s also a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, which is great for fighting disease.

Broccoli – Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable along with cauliflower, kale, spring leaves, turnips, Brussels sprouts and is rich in nutrients that help fight cancers such as breast and colon. Broccoli acts as a detoxifier, helping to lower ‘bad’ cholesterol and helps protect against heart disease. Broccoli provides iron and is a fantastic source of folic acid, vitamin C, and potassium.

beets (beets) – Beetroot is rich in potassium and provides a large amount of folate and iron, essential for the formation of red blood cells and helping to prevent anemia. Beetroot should be eaten raw or cooked, avoid the pickled type, as this not only makes it acidic, which can affect the gu, but pickling reduces the nutrient level. Beet greens are also very nutritious and can be eaten in the same way as spinach.

Fennell – Fennel is a great source of fiber, folate, and potassium, and contains a variety of other nutrients including vitamin C, selenium, vitamin B3 (niacin), and iron. Fennel is very low in calories so it’s great for people watching their weight, it’s also a great digestive aid and anti-flatulent. It is rich in antioxidants that help fight diseases.

carrots – Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which helps fight diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. They are not only excellent for the immune system, but also for the skin and eyesight. Carotenes are better absorbed when the carrot is cooked rather than raw, choose steaming or frying as your cooking method.

Integral rice – while white rice is very low in vitamins and minerals, brown rice is very different, brown rice and other whole grains have been shown to help prevent heart disease, diabetes and some cancers due to their high content of selenium. Brown rice has a low glycemic index that can help control blood sugar levels, and the B vitamin content helps convert food into energy and keeps the nervous system healthy.

Garlic – Garlic has been highly valued for years for its health benefits. It is rich in sulfur compounds that give it its strong smell, but they are the main source of its health benefits. Benefits include keeping your blood healthy, which helps prevent diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. It is a natural antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral and can also help prevent stomach ulcers.

It is worth noting that you cannot have a nutritious balanced diet by eating only these foods, you must keep your diet as varied as possible, a balanced diet should consist of fresh fruits, seasonal vegetables, whole grains such as brown rice and oatmeal, and lean protein. , like free-range organic chicken and lean meat (organic, grass-fed only). You should also include regular amounts of oily fish, seeds, cold-pressed oils, herbs, and spices in your diet. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet and cut out poor food choices like alcohol, processed foods, take-out foods, and wheat flour products.

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