I got an email from someone I know asking about mucous stools in candida death. A couple of years ago, she started taking products from the Candida Wellness Center in Provo, Utah. They had a product (can’t remember the name, they didn’t wear it for long) that gave her diarrhea. But the diarrhea was all slimy. It often lasted several hours, but afterwards it felt great. He felt like a bunch of junk had left his system, and the feeling would last for a couple of days. The most obvious change after having mucous diarrhea was that she did not feel stiff or sore (which is an everyday problem for her). The diarrhea situation lasted for about a year for her, even when she was no longer taking the product that started it. Wondering if anyone else has had mucous diarrhea.

Well my husband and I spent over $ 12,000.00 on the Utah program. It worked fine as long as we were at it. Shortly after finishing, we got a viral infection and had to take antibiotics. The yeast is back and it’s worse than ever. We had no mucus with the diarrhea. But I have been getting it in my cleanse after using Homozon or after an H2O2 enema. After the enema, much of the mucus looks like yeast that a colon therapist showed me during a session several years ago in California. I think every time mucus comes out, it’s a good thing.

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