The joy of many elementals (nature spirits) when we make friends and help them is to serve us in many different ways, from practical matters to seemingly miraculous events. As long as the requests are heart centered and in accordance with the higher will of Spirit / God, they will help us, even in financial matters. The key to establishing a working relationship with the elementals is love: giving love and sending the power of peace from the heart. In many ways, elementals are like children and respond to love and encouragement. Giving regularly to nature spirits will build confidence. It is also important, especially in more intense situations, to order them from the level of your Higher Self. It may take a bit of practice, but eventually you will find that nature spirits will help you in many ways.

There are many wonderful stories of elemental aid in books and on the internet, ranging from protecting plants and gardens to dissipating and reversing hurricanes to protecting raging fires. Many involve healing, as all elemental life knows how to heal.

Personal stories

I have been asking elementals for help for many years and while I have not been personally involved in anything as dramatic as rolling back a hurricane (!), Some of the incidents are very special to me. I wanted to share some of them here:

I always ask the elementals before I go on a trip to provide me with a perfect climate and I cannot remember a single time of all the times I have asked them, where they have not happened. Once before going to Hawaii, it had been raining for days without stopping, over 2 feet of rain! I made my regular calls and when we were leaving the airport it stopped raining and the weather was beautiful for the 10 days we were there. It rained over 20 inches from the day after we left!

Another incident involved a backpacking trip on Mount Shasta. I had been directed to a certain area and the map showed a stream there. However, after walking most of the day and finally reaching the area just before dark, we found the creek to be dry. I made a call to the elementals and in no time the water from the stream began to flow. It increased more the next day and the transmission ran throughout the week. The morning we left, the water stopped running again.

Last year, I remarried and we plan to get married in the mountains. The weather had been cold and rainy for days. I asked the elementals for help to clear the weather and for the sun to rise. Shortly after we reached our destination (we would be married in an hour), the weather broke, the sun came up, the wind died down, and we had a beautiful ceremony. Immediately after, the rain started again, but then cleared up for the rest of our stay.

For me, this last incident was the most dramatic. He had been living in Hawaii on the Big Island for several months and the island was experiencing a drought that was getting worse. I have always been in tune with plant life and could feel the effects of drought on plants. Farmers were beginning to fear losing their crops and it was really turning out to be a bad situation. Where I was staying there was a large stream and a huge waterfall that had almost completely dried up. Finally one day I woke up early and made the loudest call to the elementals I have ever had. I asked them to help the stream (many used it for irrigation) to start running again. Then I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up about an hour later I heard a great roar outside and got up to find the stream and waterfall flowing at full capacity. It was really amazing, I am so thankful for the elementals!

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