When you hire the Law of attraction, and the demonstration did not take place, you scream badly. He accuses LOA of being nothing more than a “scam to get more money” by the gurus. Right before you throw the Law of Attraction out the window, do yourself a favor and check out the following 6 manifestation killers that perhaps lurk in your life, consciously or unconsciously.

Get rid of these 6 killers in your life and increase your chances of getting what you want, fast!

Starting with the least vicious killer …

  1. Giving up: – Oh, it is very difficult. Maybe I really don’t want it anyway. It really is not that important to have it. It won’t work for me. Does this sound familiar? Are you guilty of (at least one of) the above? The only time you ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT get what you want is when you give up. Once you stop trying, you kill any small chance of getting what you want. So the lesson here: keep practicing and make LOA a part of you. Work through the steps over and over again.
  2. No action: – You can’t get what you want if you have a copy of The Secret. You can’t read the book or watch the movie either. Clarify this. You need to get your butt out of the chair and into action. But not just any action. It should be an appropriate action. Take action based on your inner callings.
  3. Inability to visualize: – Did you visualize with full sensory vividness and program your crystal with the desired result? If your image has faded or you can’t “see” it with your mind’s eye, your mental muscles are probably too weak. So, work on your mental muscles.
  4. Lack of emotional fuel: – Did you experience the emotions of your wish fulfilled? And that means feeling relaxed, happy and satisfied during the crystal programming step.
  5. Inner block: – The inner building blocks can reside within you for decades without your knowing it. But how do you know that you have an internal block? Mr. Lichtman put it best. He said, “Whenever you experience something other than inner joy, love, harmony, enthusiasm, great energy, and a sense of fulfillment of your potential, you come across a blocker.” The good news is that there are many wonderful tools to help you release blockages. Have you used any of them to release your locks, or have you even tried looking for one?
  6. Holding on to your wish: – In my honest opinion, this is the hardest to work with. But here’s some good news. It is difficult but not impossible to let go. You can train your mind to do that. Let me share it here: The first moment you gain consciousness in the morning, just before opening your eyes, repeat the next 10 times in the most relaxed way: “I trust that The Universe will deliver what I want, or something better for me … “… and then smile …. Do the same just before going to dreamland for the night.

Read and reread the article. Understand the enemies of the demonstration. Like the ancient Chinese warrior, Sun Tzu taught his men to “know their enemy” before going into battle. For if “you know your enemy and you know yourself,” he wrote, “you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles.” The same truth applies to the law of attraction and manifestation.

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