When you’re planning to get a dog for your family, there’s nothing better than getting everyone on board when choosing which particular breed to get. Surely your children and even your spouse will have many suggestions, and these could be in terms of size and temperament. Choosing a particular breed of dog can become daunting on your part. Therefore, it would be best to do some research on popular family dog ​​breeds that you might want to get. These are some of the popular breeds.

the golden retriever

This breed is an excellent choice because this dog is very social and enjoys outdoor activities. If you are considering getting a Golden Retriever then you should know this interesting fact about the breed. In the past, the Golden Retriever was trained to retrieve birds whenever hunters went on expeditions. However, it did not take long for hunters to observe that the breed was more of a family companion than a hunting companion. Thus, it soon became one of the popular breeds of family dogs. However, one major drawback of the Golden Retriever is its coat. His coat needs serious maintenance to keep it healthy, so he would require daily brushing. It would also shed a lot of hair, which isn’t too good for families with asthmatic members.

the west highland terrier

More popularly known as Westie, this little terrier is very playful. Due to its playful nature, dog owners should be ready to do some exercises with the dog, just to keep it active and happy. Westies are very loyal to their owners and also make great watchdogs. However, due to its small size, it could be roughed up quite a bit by smaller children. Therefore, it would be better to get this little dog if the children in the house are already a little older. Like the Golden Retriever, the Westie also needs to be brushed to keep its coat free of tangles.

cairn terrier

This is still a little dog, much like his cousin, the Westie. The Cairn Terrier likes to be with a lot of people and he also needs a lot of exercise to stay happy. You have many options when it comes to color with the Cairn Terrier because this breed comes in the following colors: cream, red, gray, sand, wheaten, and even in combinations of these colors.

These are just a few of the popular dog breeds to consider. For more information on the other breeds, feel free to contact your local veterinarian. Veterinarians are the most qualified people who can share valuable information about all dog breeds on the market.

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