For many guys, the moment they finally get their girlfriend to record a sex tape can be a disappointment. While the sex is great, the resulting tape can be a bit underwhelming. Away from the well-lit, erotic world of erotic movies, home sex movies are often weirder than sexually exciting. So I decided to enjoy a month of experimentation and give you a guide to making your own homemade erotic video.

Rule 1: Get Those Angles Right

Angles are actually one of the most important things to consider when making these types of erotic movies. The camera should be in a location with a good view of the action and far enough away so that it will not accidentally break. It is usually best to have sex with the body at an angle so that you can record both bodies. Usually this angle is to the sides and back if you plan to move around a lot.

If you have long hair, it is vital that you watch your angles and make sure that your hair does not obscure what you are doing. This is especially important during oral sex, as many of my tapes had to be edited thanks to their luscious locks that blocked the view of the camera.

Rule 2: Always try to look good on camera

Many couples have a great concern about being in front of the camera: they will not look sexy enough. Some people may find that their confidence really suffers if they don’t like the way they look while having sex.

The first thing to understand is that the camera really distorts your body, so you can use this to your advantage. Lean back and both bodies will look great (this move is very common in professional shots). Let her go up and arch your body up as she arches back and both of you will look amazing.

Rule 3: leave your inhibitions at home

Small movements and gentle touches are great for couples, but will barely be noticeable on the tape. So now is the time to get a little crazy, do a lot of big moves, and have a good time. Not only will you feel better, but you will also look better.

Your own sex tape

Doing and watching porn should be a lot of fun for both of you. The key to remember is that the camera adds a third ‘voyeur’ to the room, making the fantasy about voyeurism (Enjoying being seen having sex). So don’t be embarrassed to play in front of the camera, it’s part of the excitement. Let yourself go and enjoy having your own secret tape that you can take out whenever you want to add something extra to the sex.

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