No one sets out to do a bad job as a leader. After all, it has probably taken you years of hard work and personal sacrifice to achieve a leadership role. Unfortunately, for many, the thrill of achieving a leadership role is often short-lived. So what are the 4 key factors contributing to leadership failure that you need to be aware of?

Collaborator 1: unable to adapt

Organizations are always going through changes. Think of the organizations he has worked for throughout his career to date. How many of them are exactly the same as when you worked there? Being able to adapt to never-ending changing circumstances is a key element in a successful leadership career. How do you compare to this look?

Taxpayer 2: Unwilling to act on feedback

Feedback is often an area that people struggle with. I’m sure we all love hearing about all the great things we’re doing. At the same time, fewer of us feel as comfortable hearing about what we’re not doing so well. If you are serious about leadership, you must be willing to receive and act on positive and not-so-positive feedback.

Contributor 3: unable to hear

Listening is a form of communication but, unlike writing and speaking, it is often an area in which people have not been trained. Being an effective listener requires that you really focus and pay attention to the points that are being made rather than always preparing what you are going to say next.

Contributor 4: Being critical of others

Being critical of others is easy. In truth, however, it rarely accomplishes more than alienating people even further from you. If you want to be successful as a leader, you must be able to provide constructive feedback without alienating others.

Bottom line: There are no guarantees when it comes to leadership success, but at the same time there may be some things you’re doing that are setting you up only for failure.

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