Are you looking for the best places to farm cataclysm gold? Now that Cataclysm is out and has been around for a while there are trends emerging and if you’re a smart player you can really take advantage of this and earn a lot of gold.

Here are my top 3 strategies for making cataclysm gold.

Mining- As ever, mining tops the list for one of the most profitable professions and it’s easy to see why this is still hot in the new expansion. Crafting is still in high demand and blacksmithing and jewelery are big professions that eat up ores and bars like there’s no tomorrow, so here are the best metals to keep an eye on. The first is Elementium in both minerals and bars. Jewelers will consume large amounts of this material, but the real profits will be made in bars. Second on the list is pyrite. Artisans are currently starting to come up with some decent recipes and this is going to be the premium metal in Cataclysm, so find a decent mining path and you can really rack up gold with Pyrite.

Herbs- My top two picks for herbs that will be the most profitable are Whiptail and Twilight Jasmine. These are the premium herbs to watch out for and they will always be in high demand. The best place I’ve found to breed whip is Uldum. Just gather up and run through the middle of the area, around the main river and lake, and you should find very decent whip drop rates.

volatile – These are the Cataclysm version of elementals. As usual, these things come as water, air, fire, earth, and life. High in demand and there are some really decent high end recipes that call for these things and they will always be in high demand.

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