Yeast infections can occur in both men and women and have many causes. They are sometimes very uncomfortable and in some cases can even cause serious health problems. It all depends on the person’s body and what he has done or has done.

In women, it is because the vaginal area is constantly hot and moist. The yeast reproduces in moist, dark and warm environments, so it is much easier for a woman to contract it, since the vaginal area has exactly that environment. Not to mention that women have to deal with infections caused by the hormones in birth control pills. In addition, it can be contracted through the use of antibiotics or through sexual transmission.

Men can also get it, but unlike women’s infection, men don’t always experience symptoms. Sometimes, for men, it comes in the form of jock itch. Yeast infections can develop in men in the skin folds in the groin area: or, just like in women, it can occur through sexual transmission and antibiotics.

Sometimes it can become systemic and more serious than the average yeast infection as it spreads throughout the body causing very painful complications. This type of is known as a condition called chronic Candida. Many have thought that this only occurred in people with compromised immune systems, such as patients with HIV infection. However, that is not true. Many today live with the condition which can cause many uncomfortable symptoms. Candida has even caused so much pain to the point that it becomes paralyzing. This occurs in both men and women.

Treatment and Prevention of Yeast Infections – Cures for Yeast Infections

When it comes to the common vaginal yeast infection in women, you can treat it simply by using Monistat. This can be found in many pharmacies and can be purchased without a prescription. Not to mention that yogurt can also be applied to the affected area. However, if the vaginal infection is more severe or keeps coming back, a prescription medication may be needed.

If a woman wants to prevent a yeast infection from occurring, she may want to make sure her area is thoroughly dry after bathing. Also, tight jeans should not be worn and underwear should be changed daily. If it is necessary to use the pill, it should not be used for a long period of time. The same goes for the use of antibiotics, as their extensive use can make the body a good host for yeast overgrowth. And, if she wants to have sex, she should be careful as her partner may have a yeast infection. As said before, men don’t always know when they have them. Also, if she had sex with the woman when she was infected and has sex again a couple of days after the woman is cured, the chances of the woman getting it again are high.

As for men, antibiotics should only be used when necessary, just like in women. You need to make sure your partner doesn’t have a yeast infection if you want to have sex. It would be a good idea for him to wait until she is over him before having sexual contact.

For those who have systemic candidiasis, chronic Candida, a strict diet may need to be followed to keep things from getting out of control. Also, if flare-ups get out of control, prescription medications can be used. However, treating it with diet and a natural yeast cure is the best way to go.

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