Magento is one of the best e-commerce platforms for companies to take their business to the internet! Best of all, the company regularly introduces security patches and takes care of the safety of its users.

Recently, it released the Magento 2.0.6 Security Update for Enterprise Edition and Community Edition. It includes multiple security improvements, as well as some functional ones. If you have not downloaded the Magento 2.0 version, you should skip the download and look for the Magento 2.0.6 update.

Security enhancements mean a more secure environment for your business

Magento has addressed several security issues with its new update. It involves the following:

  • Block unauthenticated users from executing PHP code on the server via REST or SOAP API. It means that it has become even more difficult for hackers to cause problems for your business by running malicious code on the server.
  • The company has made the installation code inaccessible after completing the initial installation process. The / app / etc directory is not writable after installation, making remote reinstallation of Magento impossible. It means that no cybercriminal can harm your website.
  • Anonymous users cannot obtain private information from registered customers. The company does not include the cart_id_mask value in the quote_id_mask table, making it difficult for hackers to obtain information.
  • Even authenticated users cannot change client information through SOAP or REST calls. It requires matching the customer ID with the authentication token to ensure that neither a spiteful employee nor a malicious hacker edits customer information and causes problems for your company.
  • It has resolved a vulnerability involving cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks in the payment module, making the e-commerce platform a better place for its users.
  • Previously, an application error message displayed the file path where the problem occurred. But now Magento does not disclose confidential information from the file because the hackers used it against the company.

If you are downloading Magento 2.0.6, make sure you deploy it to a development environment first. It will give you enough time to check if the update works according to your expectations. Updating Magento is easier when you work with it on a regular basis. If it’s slow, consider hiring a managed IT service provider for your day-to-day IT operations. The company will update security patches regularly and protect your company from unauthenticated access. In addition, it will guarantee the backup of the data and the correct functioning of the IT infrastructure of your business.

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