Tea parties are always a fun way to get together, but a Mad Hatters tea party is a different kind of fun. What a memorable way to create fun for the kids at the end of summer!

Nonsense and foolishness are the objectives of this match. All the rules of tea etiquette and the sophistication of a traditional tea party go out the window, or should I say the looking glass?

If you remember, in Alice in Wonderland, the March Rabbit meets Alice when she’s late for a tea party. At the beginning of Chapter 7 of the story, Alice is at a very long table, set for tea for many. Everyone is crowded at one end of this table. This, of course, is the Mad Hatter’s tea party.

The Mad Hatter has been condemned by the Queen of Hearts for “killing time” with his singing. As the story goes, all clocks say tea time, all the time. Alice is treated rudely with riddles that are unanswerable and silly. meaningless poems

This has all the makings of a really fun event and a way to get kids to explore their creative side.

Let’s start with the invitations. Do you want hats to be the theme? Or maybe the theme is Wonderland and all the characters? Take the time to make handmade invitations. Create your own silly beats to go along with the theme. If you want others to dress up, let them know on the invitation. Ask them to wear an outrageous hat. Or better yet, tell them you have a hat-making session planned with the Mad Hatter.

To build excitement and anticipation for the event, hand out the invitations in costume!

Once you have the theme and the invitations, it’s time to plan the tea party decorations. The Mad Hatter Tea Party is all about nonconformity, so enjoy and mix and match your plates, glasses, and cutlery. Use different chairs too! Pastel tablecloths and flowery teapots make great table decorations for this event. Some paper lanterns or playing cards are also great decorating ideas to consider.

Consider creating a mirror that everyone walks through to enter the party in Wonderland. Find a place for the Cheshire cat to appear or at least the smile of it. And don’t forget Dormouse, he would be happy to be placed in a teapot on the table.

more we have Mad Hatters Tea Party

Now, it’s time to plan the menu. It is a festival of games and fun. The sandwiches are perfect for this event. You can serve the same foods you would serve at any tea party, but have fun and be creative with the names of the foods. Remember, the smoother the better for Wonderland. How do Tweedledee and Tweedledum tarts sound? Courier and courier tea cocktails? The Mad Hatter offered Alice some wine! So serve your iced tea drinks in plastic wine glasses for the kids. Take a ribbon and a tag with her name on it and tie them at the bottom of each glass. Write “Drink Me” on them. Make cookies that say “Eat me.”

For a fun activity, let your guests become Mad Hatters and create their own hats. It is a simple and fun activity for children. It takes newspaper, tape, scissors, flowers, and a bit of creativity to make these as tea party favors. It’s a great way to entertain the kids and allow them to make something memorable to take home.

This is a party for croquet, card games, and silly rhyming games. Depending on the age of the children, you can create games suitable for their age level. Some may love to play “opposites.” Not everything in Wonderland is what it seems to be. Set rules so that everyone calls each other by name backwards and when they answer a question, they must answer the opposite of what they really mean. You can create laughter as the kids get clever with your questions.

A Mad Hatters Tea Party is a great and fun way to create fun for the kids at the end of summer! It allows them to be creative and silly. This is a party that will be talked about for years to come.

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