Are you on the couch? Are your dreams and goals sitting there with you? You are in the fight of your life, and you must defeat the enemy, the enemy called average. What is the average? Are you an average middle class woman? What is that exactly? Is your favorite hobby babysitting or working eight to five Monday through Friday and then throwing yourself on the couch every night to watch silly comedies or watch CSI your thing? Is that average?

Let’s face it, moms are tired. Every day you take care of the kids, do the laundry, buy groceries, pick up the dry cleaning, clean the house, cook dinner, pay the bills, and so on. Or maybe you work full time AND do all of the above. But, you love being a mom. You enjoy every minute you spend with your children, but it’s also important to take time for yourself. You are overworked and underappreciated, but you are not average.

What are your dreams? What is important for you? Would achieving your dreams affect your life, that of your children and that of your grandchildren?

Every great achievement begins with a dream, or a vision of something exciting or different, a very deep feeling that inspires you and motivates you to aim higher than ever. What is your vision for your life?

Allow yourself to have big dreams, big dreams and giant dreams. What others have done before you can also do. What others have not even thought of, you can do! You can be comfortable. You can plan to retire in 10, 20, or 30 years, put a little into a 401k or IRA, and with social security, you plan to be comfortable. Don’t be comfortable. Do something great with your life.

Being a modern 21st century mom is about an attitude muted only slightly by 2am feedings. A Hot Mama is a woman who exudes confidence and a woman who loves herself and her family, but doesn’t get consumed by the madness of motherhood. She knows how to balance her needs and her family’s needs. A Hot Mama has big dreams and goals. A Hot Mama doesn’t settle for average.

Ask yourself these 5 questions, the answers will change your life:

1. If you continue with what you are doing now, will you have the kind of life you dream of?

2. What kind of life do you dream of?

3. If the way you live today is fine, if you feel comfortable, can you accept that this is all you will have?

4. Do you want something so bad that not having it seems unacceptable?

5. If something comes into your life that will allow you to get what you’re looking for, are you ready to do it right now?

You can make the difference. You can do something great with your life. You have the power in you, the power of the ONE.

Andrew Jackson said: “A man with courage is a majority.” A man or a woman can stand up and make a difference.

George Washington, at a critical point during the Revolutionary War, rallied his men; they were freezing, hungry, they were losing the war. They weren’t even American yet. They were men from Hampshire, from Virginia, from Maryland. What were they fighting for? Washington looked at his troops and said, “Let only the Americans watch tonight.” He gave breath to our Declaration of Independence. The power of a man.

Think back to 1996. Are you where you wanted to be back then? A decade passes quickly. More importantly, you must ask yourself how you are going to live the next ten years of your life. What actions can you take today to create a tomorrow that matches your dreams? Surely the year 2016 will arrive; the only important question is where you will be.

You do not have time. If you’re eighteen, don’t wait until you’re twenty-eight. If you’re 60, don’t wait until you’re 70, don’t wait. There is not enough time to wait to do something great with your life.

Tonight when you’re home sit with the ones you love, look into their eyes, tell them you love them, tell them what makes you sleepy, tell them what makes you tick, tell them what you dream about, then the next day go out and do something great with your life.

Make today the first day of the rest of your life. Get up off the couch and leave your old friends, dreams, and goals behind. Make new friends like Achievement and Glory, go ahead! If you can dream it you can do it. You can be what you want. Don’t be comfortable. Be good. Make difference. There is power in the number One. There is power in You! Don’t be average, defeat the enemy. Do something great with your life.

Aude Aliquid Dignum

“Dare Something Worthy”

Copyright 2006 LL Gibson Marketing Communications.

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