Pet allergies

Well, it goes without saying that perhaps two of the most allergic pets known to man are the dog and the cat. I am a pet lover and I know for a fact that my blood pressure has dropped due to having two pets, a cat and a dog. They not only make us get up in the middle of a snowstorm to make us take them for a walk but the countless hours they have spent playing and hugging with us. In a word: Priceless!

If you are just snuggling for a moment with your favorite pet and it causes sneezing, watery eyes, and even hives, then please don’t give that pet away. You have to imagine how confused he must be after being introduced to this wonderful family and being rejected again. Well, we are here to tell you that there is something more.

It doesn’t seem to matter where you are, this type of allergy symptom exists everywhere. So the good news is that you are not alone in this battle and the bad news ??? Well, let’s say we can deal with the bad news.

It can affect older adults, adults, adolescents, and even young children. Yes, that means everyone! Including you and me. If you!

This is what we do to rid someone of their pet allergy. Basically, you need to submerge your head in the toilet bowl and hold your breath for five minutes. A shorter amount of time means that you will have to do it all over again. Oh, and the toilet bowl must be full of urine from six days ago.

Ummm … If you’re thinking there is no way for me to do that, then you’re right. There’s no way I’m asking you to do that! It’s just my sick attempt at humor. I know, I know … You can get back at me later (much later).

OK … This is what you really have to do. A hair or coat sample is taken by brushing the upper back, above the butt, and below the belly. This is placed inside a zippered bag. You should have collected approximately a “25 cent piece” of hair or skin samples. You can separate the cat from the dog if you have several of each; otherwise, keep them all, eg cats, in a bag. At the same time, a sample of your dog’s or cat’s actual fur or hair will be placed in the machine. Now, you can finally get back into balance.

Unlike food or seasonal allergies, any dog’s removal procedure typically requires 2-3 sessions. For cats, it is even worse, it will require 3 to 4 sessions. But once the allergy is eliminated, it is eliminated for 3 to 5 years or permanently.

Why 2-3 sessions for dogs and 3-4 sessions for cats? I do not know. That is exactly what has been found. But wouldn’t you rather be rid of your dog or cat allergy than have it persist?

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