It is a fact of life that eventually everyone has to deal with an acne breakout, and finding the best acne treatment or acne solution will take some time. It could be just a pimple that haunts us, or as in the case of most teenagers, a continuous flare-up that makes their lives miserable. There are several over-the-counter acne products that are successful in controlling acne and reducing the damage acne can cause to the skin. The active ingredients in the products are different and need to be applied in different situations, depending on the cause of acne.

The cause of acne

Acne is basically caused by pores on the skin that get clogged with hardened oils and dead skin cells. Removing excess oil and dead skin cells helps clear up the problem of acne in most cases, but with teenagers there can be an additional problem of diet, continued use of oil-based makeup and scratching. Constant of the face that adds to the problems. Finding the best acne treatment to give the result of an acne solution or resolution begins with finding out what type of acne is present, what lifestyle changes can be made to help control acne, and then professional advice on it. best product to use to treat and control acne.

Research to find the best acne treatment

Much research has been done to find the right treatments for the various types of acne and skin conditions that cause breakouts. Here is a list of the active ingredients that have been found to work in treating acne:

  • Benzoyl peroxide

This is almost certainly the most effective and active ingredient in acne treatment products. This compound kills Propionibacterium acnes and helps unblock excessively oily pores.

  • Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid slows the shedding of cells within hair follicles. This will prevent your pores from clogging.

  • Alpha hydroxy acids

Glycolic and lactic acid are two of the types of alpha hydroxyl acids that have been shown to help control acne. An interesting note here is that women in the southern US use buttermilk to bathe their face or soak a washcloth in buttermilk and put it on their face to help keep their skin clean. The lactic acid in buttermilk works, which is why not all ancient home remedies are myths.

  • Sulfur

Sulfur removes dead skin cells that clog pores and helps remove excess oil. Sulfur is one of nature’s helpers to help heal wounds of any kind; this includes acne wounds.

Finding the best acne treatment for an acne solution depends on your skin type, the variety of acne you are experiencing, and your skin care habits.

Dermatologist Recommendations for Finding the Best Acne Treatment for an Acne Solution

Dermatologists recommend starting acne treatments with the mildest of over-the-counter treatments. If that doesn’t work, step up the treatment to a higher level of chemicals. Often times, simply increasing the amount of facial cleansing done throughout the day can help reduce the incidence of acne. In very severe cases of acne, the dermatologist will work to find the best acne treatment for acne solution.

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