I recently received a question from a student asking if I thought selling or creating an audio information product on children’s health would be a good idea. And I think children’s health issues would be a great topic for audio interviews. What could be more traumatic for a parent than having a sick or ill child? They desperately want a solution, they want answers. There probably aren’t many answers, it depends on the type of disease they have, but absolutely.

I couldn’t think of a hungrier market and it sounds a bit cruel from a marketing standpoint, but what could be more important than finding solutions for a child who is sick? People want solutions to that and money certainly in many cases would not be an issue. So depending on what you’re trying to do, I think that would be a very attractive market and something that could be very rewarding for you as well.

Another example, there’s a guy I see on TV here in San Diego, he has a show, it’s actually a thirty minute infomercial, but when you watch it you never know. It’s called The Wellness Hour and it’s a guy named Randy Alvarez. Now what he does is interview medical experts. He has a collection of interviews like me where they are interviews with medical experts.

But do you know how he monetizes this? I mean he’s doing video production, but imagine he was just doing audio interviews, and I even thought about doing this because he does stuff on hair loss, so he’s going to interview a couple of surgeons that do hair. loss surgery.

He interviews surgeons for facelifts, for surgeries on women who have vein problems, all kinds of medical surgery. He’ll walk up to them, ask if they’d like to do an interview, produce a thirty-minute show. He will charge them up to $10,000 just for the production of the show.

Now, once they have that show, it will offer them advertising where they can buy thirty-minute slots within a range of local media outlets to air that show and promote their high-profile surgeries. It’s doing something that wouldn’t be any different if you changed it from video to audio, you could do the same thing. You will air a show and you may sell some cosmetic surgery that could make that surgeon anywhere from $10 to $20,000.

So it’s no different, although I’ll tell you the audio is much easier. It takes very little skill to do an interview with an audio medical expert and it certainly can be done. So I would say to this gentleman who asked this question to go to The Wellness Hour, look at what he’s doing and just ask yourself, “Can I do something similar for the particular condition I was thinking of?”

My kids are now 9 and 6 years old, but you remember when you have to go crib shopping for your baby, there is nothing more important in the world than that crib and you will go to five different places to find the perfect crib. cradle. Or when you’re looking for a stroller for your child, you really do research on the stroller market, it’s amazing, and you want the best. And when you have a little baby, there are these things called the Bjorn baby where if you want to hold your baby close to your body, you put on this strap and you put your baby in and he sits there.

Every little product for your baby is the most important thing in the world. And your health concerns and needs are even more important!

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