Stories from the crypt of online marketing n. 14

How to get yourself (and your business) out of a downward spiral

In my previous Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt, I wrote about the first anniversary of the arrival of COVID-19 in our world. I shared some of my thoughts on the stress it has caused most of us.

I also revealed how I was a victim of identity theft not long ago, and how it devastated our lives, forever changing the trajectory of what was to come.

In fact, if it weren’t for that insidious crime, my business wouldn’t have been formed. He would probably still be working in the corporate world. You may not have gone back to school to get a degree in business administration.

Sometimes the world we live in can be quite fascinating. And it can also be overwhelming, frustrating, and just plain difficult, especially when it comes to our business.

I’m not sure if it’s because I accumulated painful memories of those crimes against us years ago, but the truth is, I’ve been struggling this week in the motivation department.

Maybe you can identify yourself?

One obstacle after another keeps popping up.

I solve a problem and another problem needs to be solved.

I have things I know I need to do, but procrastination has been rearing its ugly head, causing unwanted delays.

I have many plans, ideas and needs, but my energy level to complete them is low.

Have you ever felt like this too?

Where do you know you have a lot of things you need to do but can’t seem to get the motivation to do them?

But one fire after another is dying at the same time it makes you feel deflated. Ultimately, this can result in lost leads, conversions, and sales.

Truth be told, it’s a fact of life for every entrepreneur and business owner … we’re going to get into these ruts from time to time. We are human after all!

The good news is that this drop can be very temporary … if you wish.

Yes, it is your choice.

Because one thing I know for sure is that there is nothing anyone can say or do that will make me jump back into action all of a sudden!

The only person responsible for that is me.

Fortunately, this is not the first time that I have come across a bit of a lack of motivation, and I know it won’t be the last.

And knowing that helps tremendously because it could be so easy to hold on to this funky mood and fall straight into a depression full of depression.

So what do I do when this happens?

The first thing is that I recognize that it is happening and I do not punish myself for it.

Of course, I make sure everything that HAS to be done is done. If that means putting in a little effort to finish my urgent to-do list, then that’s what I need to do to stay in integrity not just with myself, but with our clients and my team as well.

And if that also means not getting the new initiatives you’ve planned done as quickly as you wanted, so be it.

But it also means taking a little time for self-care, self-reflection, and even self-healing if needed.

How does that look like?

I thought I’d share a list of things you can explore the next time you feel this lack of motivation creep up on you. Many of these are the ones I made this week and I already feel so much better!

  1. Acknowledge that this feeling is normal and remind yourself that this too will pass.

  2. Open your gratitude journal and write down all the things you are grateful for in terms of your business. The more you focus on the positive, the easier it will be to change your perspective on the negative.

  3. Remember your WHY. Why did you start your business to start? What purpose are you serving?

  4. Review your business goals or clarify them again. Goals are great motivators when they align with your WHY.

  5. Surround yourself with people who will cheer you on, cheer you on and cheer you on. This is one of the roles that I play with my consulting clients.

  6. Avoid watching the news and reading negativity on social media. It is the worst for reminding you of everything that afflicts the world.

  7. Do something that cheers you up. Whether you’re going for a walk, trotting out your favorite hobby, or playing with the kids / grandkids, anything that brings you joy will get you excited again.

  8. Get away for a weekend if possible. I do this every few months when I can. I love checking into a local B&B and taking the time to recharge my batteries. I like to choose boutique B & Bs and inns as I feel good that I am also supporting small businesses.

  9. Use the mornings to your advantage and take care of the critical things on your to-do list, before the weight of the day begins to put you off. Mornings are when most people are most productive, so instead of scrolling through social media with your morning coffee, focus on the tasks at hand and skip the potential negative influence that could affect the rest of your day. .

  10. Take care of yourself by eliminating sugar and high carbohydrates from your diet. Get some exercise, practice intermittent fasting, and get a good night’s sleep. I know this is a loaded suggestion, but it’s worth the effort. For me, my brain fog is gone and I feel better than ever in my life since I started eating low carb and focused more on my health. Check out some of the resources below to help.

  11. Give yourself a personal reward for doing one thing each day this week that will help your business. Maybe that is following up on leads, posting some valuable social media posts with a strong call to action to contact you, or sending out a newsletter. Whatever it is, set a goal that comes with a reward.

  12. Read an inspiring book. Who are the heroes in your life who have inspired you to start business and fulfill your purpose? Reconnect with that inspiration by reading about them.

  13. Read customer reviews and reflect on what it was like to work with that customer. Remember how wonderful it felt to know the impact you have had on them.

I hope this list has inspired you to find a way to get motivated and stay motivated in your business. Remember, every successful entrepreneur has been through what you have.

If you want your business to survive and prosper, it is important to realize that your level of motivation plays a key role in its success.

Yes, you will have moments of doubt. We all do it! But you have the option to focus on the doubt or put that distraction aside and move on. You will be amazed at what you can achieve!

For the success of your business,



  1. Book: Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek. This book shows that the leaders who have had the most influence think, act, and communicate in the same way. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be led, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY.

  2. Book: Find Your Why: A Practical Guide to Discovering Purpose for Yourself and Your Team by Simon Sinek. This book picks up where Start with why Stopped. It shows you how to apply the powerful insights of Simon Sinek so that you can find more inspiration at work, and in turn inspire those around you.

  3. Book: Gratitude Journal of the Law of Attraction. Attract more of what YOU want to create a happy one by Dana J. Smithers. This 52-Week Law of Attraction Gratitude Journal is designed to help you bring the principles and tools of the Law of Attraction into your everyday life. You can start any week of the year, just pick it up and start writing.

  4. Book: The Obesity Code: Unlocking Weight Loss Secrets (Why Intermittent Fasting Is The Key To Controlling Your Weight) by Dr. Jason Fung. The landmark book by New York Times best-selling author Dr. Jason Fung, one of the world’s leading experts on intermittent fasting for weight loss and longevity, whose 5-step plan has helped thousands of people lose weight and achieve lasting health.

  5. Book: The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate, and Extended Days by Dr. Jason Fung. Thousands of books have been written on the latest and greatest diets that will help people lose weight and improve their health. But a key element in any successful nutritional health program is a tried and true method that most people have not thought of, but could be revolutionary in taking health to the next level. This ancient secret is fasting.

  6. I’m joined by gratitude expert Dana Smithers to talk about how gratitude can make a huge difference to your personal and professional success – how gratitude is good for business.

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