I want to tell you a story. A man named Tom went to work for a farmer. The farmer interviewed him and asked him what he could do on the farm, he said that I can do anything you ask me, the only thing I can do is sleep on a stormy night. The farmer looked puzzled, but thought he would give it a try for a week. So Tom started his first week working on the farm. The farmer asked him to get up early to milk the cows and he went, asked him to feed the animals and he did so, he asked him to disperse the hay and he did, he asked him to plant the corn and he did. The farmer was so pleased with Tom that he asked Tom to stay and Tom agreed.

A month passed and everything was fine. One night, without warning, a storm started, the shutters were pounding, the rain was pouring down the windows, the wind was blowing hard; the farmer woke up so scared that he fell out of bed. He put on his clothes and rubber boots and ran out to wake Tom, knocking and pounding on Tom’s door, but there was no response. He yelled for Tom and, once again, got no answer. The farmer was angry, but he needed to get his farm animals to shelter from the storm. He ran to the horses, but there were no horses in the field, they were in the stables. He ran to the cattle and not the cattle in the pastures; they were safe in the sheds. He ran to the chickens and the chickens were safe in the henhouse. He ran to the pig pen and the pigs were safe and sound in his pig condo, all huddled in the hay. After checking all the animals, the farmer realized that they were all safe and sound and went back inside. Later that morning Tom was all bright and early the farmer asked Tom “Did you hear that storm last night?” Tom replied, “No, I can always sleep on a stormy night!”

As you can see, every night before going to bed, Tom would go and take all the animals to a safe place, in case there was a storm. So let me ask you, metaphorically speaking, can you sleep on a stormy night?

Make sure you do it today, even if it’s only 30 minutes a day. Is it worth spending 30 minutes in your life to improve, whether it is reading a motivational book, finding the opportunity to earn an additional income from home or making that call to someone close? You haven’t spoken in a while, or maybe writing a thank you. you with someone who has been an inspiration to you, or by watching a movie or a video clip that has inspired you? Make sure it motivates you to change your circumstances, so that you too can sleep through a “stormy night.”

Live the present! Phil Keoghan (Amazing Race) wrote a book called NOW – No Opportunity Wasted! It was about facing your fears and moving on and getting things done in life. Stand up to do something that will change your life. You will be changed when you face your fears, whether it’s parachuting from a plane, climbing mountains, hang gliding, surfing, bungee jumping off a bridge, kayaking down a river, learning to swim, and running in a charity race. help save some stranded animals, swimming in a water hole or even standing under a waterfall – JUST DO IT! Like the old Nike ad used to say.

What have you done to ensure that you are mentally, physically, and spiritually prepared in your life? People say that they will always do something, but they will never do it! Be a doer in life! Do something! A friend once said, “Activity cures everything !!” If you ever feel down or depressed, take action! Stop complaining about your situation and change it, don’t leave it for tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes!

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