Coconut oil is oil from ripe coconuts. It has been used as a food for hundreds of years, but many people are unaware that it can be used externally to combat acne and other skin conditions, such as eczema.

How does coconut oil treat acne?

The idea that applying oil to your skin might help acne sounds absurd at first – most people with acne want less oil on their skin.

But it takes more than excess sebum to cause acne, and that helps explain how coconut oil can help with acne.

To get acne you need two things: blocked pores and inflammation. It’s inflammation that turns blocked pores into red, angry pimples. You get inflammation when your immune system attacks the bacteria that reside in blocked skin pores.

Coconut oil helps prevent inflammation and therefore can also prevent acne.

The magic is in two fatty acids, lauric acid and capric acid. In human skin, these become antibacterial and antiviral substances. To make it simpler. Coconut oil kills acne-causing bacteria on the skin. And once the bacteria are gone, your immune system can’t react to anything. This means less inflammation and less acne.

Coconut is also rich in vitamin E, which is a well-known skin nutrient. Vitamin E helps calm inflammation and repair skin damage.

So it does the same as all those expensive skin creams.

How to use coconut oil for acne

Here’s how to use coconut oil for acne:

  • With your preferred cleanser, cleanse your skin thoroughly. Don’t skip this step as it can lead to more acne!
  • Steam your face by placing a towel over your head and leaning over a bowl of hot water.
  • Massage a small amount of coconut oil on your face.
  • Squeeze a washcloth into hot water and place it over your face. This allows the oil to penetrate deep into the skin.
  • Wait a minute or two and cleanse your face.

Using coconut oil in this way also helps remove acne scars.

Goodness from the inside out

The goodness of coconut oil is not limited to external use. He is also a great friend in the kitchen. Coconut (and its oil) not only tasted good, it can also help with acne and your overall health.

It helps your body fight yeast infections and yeast infections (both related to acne). Relieves chronic inflammation and helps prevent blood sugar spikes. Chronic inflammation and blood sugar changes are the main factors behind acne in adults.

Warning, not for everyone.

Although many acne sufferers rely on coconut oil, it is not for everyone. In some cases, it can make your acne worse.

It appears that coconut oil can stimulate the glands in the skin to produce more sebum. This can cause more acne in some people, and especially if the pores on your skin are blocked. That is why it is important to clean your face thoroughly before applying the oil.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know in advance how your skin reacts. So start slow and see what happens.

It is not an end and all acne treatment.

Coconut oil is by no means an acne treatment. Keep in mind that acne is an internal problem. Blocked pores and blackheads are just a symptom of deeper problems (like blood sugar swings and chronic inflammation).

To overcome adult acne permanently, one must take a holistic approach that takes into account their diet, lifestyle, and emotional health (stress).

Coconut oil will not solve the main cause of acne. But it can help keep your acne under control while correcting underlying problems.

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