A house becomes a home when it is more than just a living space. It’s that personal sanctuary that gives us the luxury to relax, unwind, think, be entertained, spend time with family, and do all the things that bring us happiness.

That is why the decoration of a house is so important: it gives it a unique character that goes beyond the walls and the ceiling. Furniture and furnishings help a room, and by extension the entire house, come alive and burst with character. All kinds of materials can be used when selecting furniture, but the popularity of wood has remained universal throughout the years. However, what often prevents people from choosing woodwork for their homes is the perceived expense. While wood can be more expensive than other furniture, it is also a fact that there are a variety of options where wood can be used to design individual items or furniture without prohibitive costs. Here are some ideas that could help you lovingly decorate your home woodwork even on a limited budget:

• Consider choosing wood for your doors, windows, sofas and a few other things: Wood offers many advantages over other types of wood. It is available in abundance, which guarantees competitive prices to start with. It is also very adaptable to different colors, designs and styles. As a result, there are a large number of manufacturers and suppliers selling beautiful furniture designs in a variety of options, to suit all types of budgets. With proper maintenance, wooden items can literally last a lifetime. It is extremely durable, strong, and improves rather than deteriorates over time. It can be a very practical furniture investment. You can also easily combine different looks in decor tones and textures.

• Use of wood, decks: A relatively new trend is to use wood, decks to design furniture sets, shelves, storage space, and freestanding wood pieces in your home. Wooden pallets are much cheaper than solid wood, for example, and can be quite versatile. Making sure they are treated properly, it is quite possible to build living room sofas, coffee tables, kitchen cabinets, and storage shelves with them.

• Recycle and remake wooden items – Innovation and creativity can go a long way in the use of wood products. When planning to decorate your new living room, for example, consider using the worn old door to refashion it into new tabletops, headboards, or even trendy screens to add depth to the room.

• Wood plank/plywood flooring: To give any (or all!) rooms in your home a contemporary, modern, and really stylish look, consider using wood planks. The size and number of planks can be customized to your individual requirements and are relatively easier to install. Plus, they can even be painted in colors that coordinate with the rest of your home decor, to reflect your own individual taste. The layered foil is also great. It can be sanded to smooth any rough edges, then stained dark or light as preferred and then just lay flat. A polyurethane coated finish is a sure way to increase its resiliency and protection against damage.

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