My husband and I were having a quick breakfast at an unknown restaurant, waiting for the doors to open at a nearby museum. As I drank my coffee, I began to realize why I wasn’t comfortable. It wasn’t just because we were out for Sunday breakfast.

Very quickly, I realized that everyone serving us, from the front desk to the bartenders, was young and white. I glanced around the kitchen and confirmed what I was guessing: the invisible people working behind the scenes, doing the lowest-paying jobs, were Latino, African-American, and of different ages. Will this restaurant get my business back? Probably not.

Later, a friend and I were talking about diversity in employment, and she told me a similar story. As she was out for a walk, she saw a sign in the window of a local breakfast shop that read “…Restaurant Needs Morning Hostess. Apply Now Inside.”

Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, and national origin, it seems that many companies still don’t get it when it comes to discriminatory advertising or other issues such as denying an employee the right to use the Family Medical Leave Act or allow sexual harassment in the workplace.

The employees understand. In a recent three-year period, laws related to employment discrimination increased by 77 percent.

Discrimination-related issues can be difficult to understand; gray areas beyond. But the federally protected class-based ban on basic employment actions is much easier to understand. Employers cannot make a hiring or firing decision based on a person’s race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.

The restaurant Joan saw obviously wants anything but a big guy of mixed ethnicity to greet its customers. This is evident in her advertisement and the restaurant manager will likely find the hostess she is looking for.

But wouldn’t it be less offensive to all potential customers and employees of the restaurant if the manager posted a proper notice that complied with civil rights laws? Perhaps a sentence like “Greeter or host/hostess wanted”?

They can still hire the hostess they seem to want. But then again, they could expand their search and find a guy who really draws their morning coffee crowd to make him the new greeter. First of all, the good thing about doing this right is that a company doesn’t have the problem of violating federal, state and regional laws.

Better still, a business won’t suffer from missed opportunities when trying to appeal to today’s and tomorrow’s ever-changing population.

Figures from the Pew Research Center and the US Census show that in the next forty years, nearly one in five Americans will be an immigrant.

Latinos, already the nation’s largest minority group, will triple to become 29 percent of the US population. Black citizens will become 15 percent of the population and Asian Americans will be approximately nine percent of all citizens.

The United States in the mid-21st century will not only be more racially and ethnically diverse, but much older. One in five citizens will be 65 years of age or older.

Through the use of non-discriminatory advertising and other fair practices, a company opens up to see all the possibilities of marketing to more and more customers while utilizing the talents and skills of a wide range of employees.

Some might say that concern over a window sign might represent a case of too much political correctness. But I really don’t think so. It simply represents basic employment practice and compliance.

Now, I wish the restaurant where Fred and I were having coffee would review their hiring practices. As customers, we would have liked to see our money go towards paying people of diverse backgrounds, and not just young and white.

It’s hard enough to find a job these days, and everyone deserves the same opportunities.

The information herein does not constitute legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice. If you have a legal problem, consult an attorney in your area regarding your particular situation and facts.

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