Do you know someone who is stuck in a pattern of falling into one bad relationship after another? Did you ever think that it was evidence of really bad luck? What about situations related to money, health, finding a job or your family?

Feeling so helpless and upset, we often complain about our bad circumstances and hope that things can be different. But that’s not really going to change anything. It is?

If you find yourself in a place where you don’t want to be, know that you are not cursed. You are not a bad person and God is not punishing you. The law of attraction is busy working in your life.

The Law of Attraction: What is it and how does it work?

The law of attraction is defined as like attracts like. Did you know that every second of the day your thoughts attract people, places, situations and things into your life? That’s some kind of amazing power. It doesn’t matter if your approach is negative or positive, you get what you think. No thongs.

In the same way that you might think of a long-lost friend and they call you ‘out of the blue’, or suddenly run into someone on the street that you’ve been thinking about, the law of attraction is at work in your life. always showing you what you’re thinking.

It’s working when you finally get that loaded bill in the mail that you’ve been worrying endlessly about and losing sleep over. He’s doing his manifestation thing when the boyfriend you’ve been suspecting is playing dirty with you, cheats on you. And he’s responding to your paranoid thoughts when that dreaded breast lump you found in the shower turns into cancer. So, just when you’re afraid things couldn’t get any worse and you’re feeling the pain of all the scarcity around you, you think it’s your turn to get the next pink slip. bam! That’s when they fire you. Stinks. Good?

But don’t make the mistake of calling it a coincidence or a curse. Because?

It is about energy and energy in motion that is called vibration. Let me explain. Scientists have shown that everything we can see, feel, hear, taste, touch, and even things we cannot physically control, like our thoughts, are actually moving particles of light. Atomic bits of energy vibrating and in constant motion. It’s all about vibrations.

Vibration: what really makes the world go round

I heard someone say the other day, “Money makes the world go round.” That is actually not true. It is the vibration that makes the world go round. Money has a vibration like everything else. Everything has its own vibration. Colors, words, things, people, places, blood, your body, food, your thoughts. Everything is vibrating and resonating with things of the same vibration. And when you can learn to change your vibration to get more of what you want, you will stop manifesting what you don’t want.

So, to get out of the rut you’re in, you have to know how to change your vibration.

We live in a universe where there are laws. If you walk on the edge of a building, the force of gravity will cause you to fall. It doesn’t matter if you are Mother Teresa or Hitler, the magnetic force of gravity will knock you off your feet.

According to the universal law of attraction, you are a magnet and you are attracting everything you currently have into your life. Your body, your job, your relationships, your finances. Everything you complain about and everything you fear. The good, the bad, and the ugly are all the result of things that you have thought and believed to be true for you. It is what you are vibrating.

To know what kind of frequency or resonance you are vibrating at, to determine what kind of things you are attracting, you must pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. What are you telling yourself?

Most of us have never been taught that our thoughts are powerful and that they are the building blocks of our lives. So we go through the day not paying attention to what we are thinking, being carried away by our emotions and letting our fears control our lives. Our inner critic is our worst enemy. Don’t you realize that sometimes you get in your own way?

Don’t punish yourself. It’s not your fault. Everybody does it. It’s natural.

Like Pavlov’s dogs that learned to anticipate food and began to salivate in response to the sound of a bell, we live in a stimulus-response world. Something happens. We react because our brain quickly makes connections about the meaning of what happened.

Every situation you experience in life is a learning opportunity. You may not like it and it may be painful, but whether you know it or not, you always have a choice about how to respond to your circumstances.

But most of us keep doing the same thing over and over again and complain that it doesn’t work. It is a perpetual cycle that keeps repeating itself. Without being aware of how to focus your thoughts and tame your inner critic, it’s all too easy to get sidetracked and caught up in your emotions. With so many feelings of overwhelm and frustration hitting him at once, it’s hard to keep going and keep moving toward his goals, despite all the anxiety he experiences. No one can think straight at a time like that.

Your subconscious mind: Your faithful servant

Your subconscious mind is responsible for all of your physical functions, such as breathing, digesting food, and making sure you’re pumping just the right amount of blood to your heart. But it does not stop there. He is also busy regulating your thoughts. It’s like this huge computer capable of storing all the memories you’ve ever experienced.

Did you know that the beliefs you have consciously or in your subconscious mind are compulsive? That means they have to come true no matter what. If you think you’re not good enough, or that you don’t deserve to make more money, it will always get in your way and sabotage your success every step of the way and there’s nothing you can do to stop it while your subconscious mind is stuck in its own way. predetermined.

In fact, if you don’t think you deserve money, even if you get a big windfall, like winning a lottery or an inheritance, you’ll lose it or spend it all and eventually end up back at square one, facing poverty. . The same with your relationships and everything else. We attract what and whom we believe we deserve. To get out of the rut, this is what you have to do:

Pay Attention: Know Where You Are

So all the rules that you have come to believe about yourself and your life are stored there in your subconscious mind, which is actually in every cell of your body. Your body has memory. And because your body and mind are connected, they are always communicating with each other. Did you know that we have more than 60,000 thoughts a day? So the question is what do you think about all day? By being clear about what you are thinking, you will get a preview of what you are attracted to. Now don’t worry about trying to monitor every thought you have and make sure everything is okay. Your emotions are like a GPS and they will tell you immediately what you are vibrating out there for the world. Whether you’re feeling good or bad, it’s automatic feedback that tells you what you’re thinking about most of the time.

  • When you think about money, what’s your vibe about it?
  • When you think about finding that perfect partner, what feelings come up?
  • When you think about your body, what are you telling yourself?

Remove obstacles to abundance by questioning your beliefs

The answers to these questions and more are determined by the programmed beliefs you have in your subconscious mind that have kept you stuck. No matter how hard you work or how hard you try to succeed, if a part of you doesn’t believe you can succeed, you’ll find yourself stuck in bad old clothes that bring you down. That just makes you feel helpless and powerless, so you don’t have much recourse when you’re in that place. When you feel this way, your vibe is low and you are attracting more junk into your life.

No amount of conscious willpower effort is going to override your powerful subconscious mind to change your point of attraction. You have to make the change by changing your energy; The way you feel. In order to turn around and get back into the driver’s seat of your life, you need to question all the doubts and limiting beliefs that automatically arise.

So in order to calm the storm of doubts and fears that you have in your head so that you can get what you want, you have to learn to control your vibration for your own benefit. It works by unlocking the energy in your body that keeps you trapped in thoughts that don’t serve you. It helps you think clearly and makes you realize that you have options.

The way to make the law of attraction work is deceptively simple:

Choose what you want.

believe you can have it

Be open to receive it.

Oh so simple, but definitely not that easy. Because if you are constantly struggling with doubt, your vibe is low and your point of attraction will be weak. The universe will give you more reasons to doubt, more feelings of lack, and many reasons to fear.

However, if you want to change your body, or any part of your life that isn’t working for you, you should feel more relaxed and neutral about it. You can’t continue to hate your circumstances and talk like a victim, because it will only make you feel worse and you’ll have more of that bad feeling thinking about it. To break out of a rut and raise your vibe, you have to do things that make you feel better about your situation.

EFT: How I deal with my fears and limiting beliefs

I found that the best way to control my thoughts and overcome my fears is by using the Emotional Freedom Technique, a simple do-it-yourself stress relief process that is considered the emotional version of acupuncture. Without EFT, I would never have been able to see my abuse experiences for what they really were; My jewel; proof of how strong a woman I am.

EFT allowed me to overcome all the fears, doubts, limiting beliefs and anxieties that kept me fearful and small. Without the gift of tapping, I could never have finished writing my book or found a way to get off welfare, regain my faith, save my crumbling marriage, rescue my home from foreclosure, and find the courage to face my creditors and start taking steps to pay off a debt of $100,000.00. In fact, without being able to tap on all my doubts and tame my inner critic, I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for this silly tapping technique called EFT. What can I say? Rock on!

From the time I learned EFT to now, almost 8 years later, it has changed my life. Not only do I use it on myself often and every time, whenever I get tangled up or start to freak out, but because it’s so effective, I share it with my clients and workshop participants all the time.

If you would like to learn more about how to use EFT and what to do to get more of what you want in life and less of what you don’t, I invite you to join my new Facebook group: Lovin’ the Skin You’ Kidney. Only remember. Cool.

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