After seeing the infomercial for the Schticky Washable Lint Roller a few weeks ago, I decided to buy the product. While I’m not usually “sucked up” by those miracle products advertised on TV, the price of the Schticky ($20) was too tempting to pass up.

Since I bought this product, many people have been asking me if Schticky works. I had received so Lots of questions, in fact, I thought I’d put together a review of the Schticky Washable Lint Roller for everyone interested in buying it.

How the Schticky washable lint roller works

Using the Schticky Lint Roller is a very easy process. It contains a sticky rolling surface that can pick up anything from pet hair to lint and small dirt particles. All you have to do is roll it over the surface you want to clean and it will pick up any undesirable particles in its path.

Since I have a cat at home, I have found this product particularly useful for cleaning up pet hair on my couch. Whenever I’ve had enough of the amount of pet hair on my couch, I just take out my Schticky and roll it on the couch cushions.

It does a great job removing pet hair, and I would recommend this product to anyone with a pet.

Another common use for this product is to remove lint from clothing. All you do is roll it along a piece of clothing and it quickly picks up any lint or unsightly particles in its path.

To clean the Schticky, all you have to do is run it under a tap. You can use your hand to speed up the process by pushing any of the particles into the roller.

It really is an easy product to use, and for $20, I think it’s a great investment if you value a clean home.

Conclusion: special purchase recommendations

And that concludes my short review of Schticky. I hope you found it useful.

However, if you are considering purchasing this product, I highly recommend checking out some more in-depth reviews of Schticky. There are several good ones that offer more detailed information, including close-up images and manufacturer specials.

Before buying any product, it’s important to do some research to make sure you know what you’re buying. beforehand.

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