A chauffeur’s dress code is a set of rules that control what clothing a limousine driver can wear. These rules are determined by the limousine company that employs the driver. They can set preferred colors for suits, provide some uniforms or specific clothing for the driver to wear. However, the chauffeur dress code has some universal rules that must be followed if your employee does not say otherwise.

Let’s look at the chauffeur dress code and what items a male chauffeur should wear.

Neck: For corporate careers and night outings, the tie is optional. However, a tie is required for weddings, graduations, and other formal occasions. Bow ties are acceptable but unusual. The top button of the shirt collar must be buttoned.

You can wear a coat if the weather requires it. Don’t put the coat over just one shirt. Wear a dark suit or jacket.

Suit Jacket: Plain black suits are the preferred choice for most limousine operators, but any good quality dark suit is also suitable. Your limo company may have a color preference for a suit.

Shirt: The collared dress shirt is a must. It must be clean and well pressed. White is the universally preferred color for weddings, graduations, and other special occasions. For nights out, your chauffeur might as well dress up in a sleek black shirt. Any good quality black/white shirt will look nice and smart. Avoid button down collars.

Pants: Suit pants that must be combined with the jacket. Of course, preference for black unless otherwise specified.

Stockings: Black or the same color as your suit. If not, at least as dark as the suit. Without logos, the images of the prints must be visible.

Footwear: Salons Dress Leather. For black, with laces. Note: People sometimes judge you by your shoes. It’s a good idea to invest in good leather shoes and clean them every day.

Rings: One wedding or engagement ring is always allowed. Other rings must be kept away.

Belt: Leather belt to match your suit. Large belt buckles with logos or symbols are not permitted.

The purpose of the chauffeur dress is to represent the company and make your customers feel in good hands. By following this dress code, you will look professional and confident from the moment you step out of the limo. However, the chauffeur needs much more than following the dress code to impress customers. On the other hand, a good first impression always helps.

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