Dreaming of stardom may be a fantasy, but what’s the harm in dreaming, right? Becoming a successful child actor or celebrity is a lot like winning the lottery. It can happen quickly and provide more money and privileges than you ever dreamed possible. Have you given much thought to how you could handle money and fame after you arrive? Have you prepared your children for the challenges they will face? We’re not talking about getting an accountant to manage your money; however, you will also need that. In this section, we will discuss much deeper topics and encourage you to plant seeds, now, before you start. There are several points to consider as you prepare yourself and your child for what we hope will be many years of lasting personal fulfillment in this business. We’ll give you some practical and down-to-earth advice, just in case you strike it rich.

Here’s a big surprise why some child stars turn into troubled adults: it has nothing to do with lousy parenting!

Did you know that there has been a study of lottery winners that shows that most of these new millionaires lost money, lost family, lost everything? They get a shot of energy, enjoy a temporary gratification, and then, whoosh, it’s over. The same could be true for your young celebrity if she doesn’t like cheating. How will you feel when the phone stops ringing?

Whether you are a child or an adult, if you are not prepared for the changes that come with great wealth and fame, you will be in trouble. Paul Petersen, founder of A Minor Consideration, says that “most of the time the big changes are not in you”, it’s the “people around you who will change…”. “In no time at all, he’ll be invited to parties and events he’s never heard of before” and he’ll receive gifts like clothing, jewelry, computers and more. Everyone will want to be your friend, whether they earned your friendship or not.

When Shirley Temple Black was asked how she survived being the most famous person in the world at such a young age, Shirley replied “thanks to my mother.” in front of the child and say, ‘she can’t do that’ or ‘she can’t accept that big gift from you’. If there’s no one to do that, the (child actor) is spoiled.”

What is the moral here? Lasting compliance must be earned.

As parents, of course you want your child to enjoy childhood and success, but you also want your child to become a happy, healthy, unique, independent, successful, loving, and caring person, right? It is a huge responsibility. Don’t be blinded by spot light. Child actors need the same structure as any other child. They need to learn to ‘earn’ everything: trust, respect, money, friendship and success. “Earning” is the elevator that will take your children to the top. It may seem like a simple concept, but when everyone – and we mean everyone – wants to shower your child with money, gifts and compliments, will you have the strength to walk away from the buffet? Or will you continue to feed your ego, convincing yourself that you ‘deserve’ special treatment?

How can we teach our children about “earning income”? Giving examples.

Do not accept fancy gifts from growers. Set limits on donations and spending; give children an allowance in exchange for housework. Provide structure in your family life. Keep going to church, temple, whatever. Encourage your child to continue education beyond high school, especially if you are already financially established for life. Above all, teach about “cause and effect.” DO NOT CHANGE; being a father first and foremost.

Think about the things you are most proud of in your life – guaranteed, they are the things you worked hard for, the things you earned. The things we earn give us a true sense of self-worth and fulfillment.

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