The story of my Emetophobia cure. This story shows exactly how one person got rid of the fear of vomiting forever.

I was very young and in fact I packed almost all my favorite things (especially those that you can fit in a couple of overstuffed suitcases) and accompanied by my husband and my 4-month-old baby I jumped on the plane and traveled 1200 kilometers. , far from my own neighborhood. In fact, I got every piece of my favorite things.

We all leave out everything we recognized as safe and secure. My own dream was that we could all identify this Self that I knew lived within me, along with the freedom that I recognized that he needed but, again, could hardly ever find a way to obtain. It seemed to be an equally extensive adventure physically if not sentimentally. Immediately after landing on the island of flamingos, I realized that apart from the temperature, the appearance and the cities in particular had changed, life always felt pretty much the same.

The situation sounds difficult to understand, but it is reasonably common. It didn’t take me long to get back into the most certainly mastered routine, crushed simply by the incessant urge to throw up that is the fear of throwing up.

I made the decision to:

  1. I never enjoyed fish and shellfish in a kitchen, just grilled chicken and steak at best in hamburger form and only if it was badly burned. Ecoli, Psaumanilla, Tomaine, all foodborne illnesses, there are many more than the average Joe doesn’t even know about.
  2. Keeping my husband and children away from sick men as much as possible, particularly any kind of babysitting or even socializing. The Roto virus, the Norwalk virus, both of these very highly transmissible and distressing stomach diseases, inevitably transmitted by young people.


Wherever I personally went; whatever different long-term interaction I got to be in; Whatever rank I held in any of the many job opportunities I had, my eternal transportable phobic hell remained the same: emetophobia.

My body mass was greatly reduced, my food intake consisted only of those foods that had never caused me discomfort from eating before.

My hands and fingers were stained from whitewashing my new kitchen counter and almost every area of ​​the bathroom. Romances were definitely almost impossible to build and maintain. I was pretty exhausted from my little anti-vomiting habits. Making love was, in fact, even more frustrating: “Was she or he trying to get their germ-ridden lips where specifically?” I definitely saw myself, crazy enough, to the outside world, I would probably be sane. The few people who really figured it out were my own mother and father and, moreover, my man.

Emetophobics are actually preoccupied with throwing up or actually being present when other people throw up and are obsessed with what literally happens the moment people throw up. .

Overcoming Emetophobia I stumbled across Vomiting Common Questions which was posted simply by a good healthcare professional who was also previously an Emet. I wasn’t even evil. Provided that my little hidden secret only had a label that meant it might as well have a method of treatment? This thought had never even crossed my mind. I started trying to get into online support groups and discussions about emetophobia and was shocked to discover that not only was I alone, but there were thousands of people who had the same phobia as me. actually got in touch with the real guy who posted the real page and discussed with him if maybe there was actually some medicine. He just said NO!

The divine lights definitely rose to the sky and the heavenly voices turned into screeching violins that swell in a horror movie just before the main character is attacked by monsters. They told me it could get worse. Worse? How could it get worse? Would I be eating only fresh bread and bottled water? Maybe I’d stop going out in public altogether (rather than just when I heard there was a stomach bug going around)? Would my daughter be homeschooled so she wouldn’t be exposed to harmful germs?

I found that movies with vomiting were harder to watch, and the websites I visited for emetophobia used alternative words for the event. I’m not using those words now because now I feel good about vomiting. If you are reading this testimonial, you are well on your way to making the first right decision in a long list of right decisions to follow.

Once, when we were rereading about emetophobia for the billionth time, we saw a nice ad online about an anxiety treatment plan system. He encouraged me to believe that there was a way to get healthy. But who finds the answers to his almost life long ago on the Internet? I later found out that the answer to that question is someone brave enough to TRY SOMETHING NEW.

I was hesitant to get it, so I asked my husband to do it. If anyone can tell if an organization is trustworthy and who it claims to be, it’s my husband. After browsing for an hour, my husband called me and told me to check out the site myself. Reading the first page was the hardest part of the whole process. I had hundreds of questions like: “You’re not going to make me throw up at the end of the course to prove I’m cured, are you? Of course not! Is this hypnosis or NLP?” worth a try.

Saturday was the day of my self-date with the program. My husband took my daughter out in the morning and I went through the entire program in one sitting, hoping it would change my life. I was pleasantly surprised by the program of events. Simply put, everything we did was light and easy. Nothing was traumatic and in the end I said to myself: “Make the right decision right now and you will eliminate emetophobia from your life”.

That day changed my life. I finally met that strong, confident woman who knew she really was her. I am relaxed and relieved. I am exactly where I have always wanted to be. Now that the emetophobia is gone, my mind has opened up and pointed me in other directions, other places that I have decided to work on to grow. This process truly affected my entire life and I will always be grateful for the powerful knowledge that I was taught and am applying in my life on a daily basis.

I address all those who are struggling with the decision to change their lives and free themselves from the bondage of fear. I implore the other emetophobia out there to understand: you will get over emetophobia when you decide now is the time to get the help you need. My heart goes out to you and the losses you experienced on a daily basis while controlled by a force that seems bigger than you. But it’s not an outside force you can’t control, it’s just a constant pattern of thought: you can change it now.

I am not an actress, I am not paid to write or say anything. I have no reason to sell any program, person, or organization to anyone. I am a stay at home mom and wife…and a person who has made the decision to be healthy, happy and FREE. You deserve the same.


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