Don’t be put off by the slow game. These FarmTown performance tips will help you get more done faster than ever before.

While most of these tips are pretty obvious and straightforward, most people don’t realize how they can significantly slow down your game. Especially on computers that have a slow Internet connection. Even if you use DSL or cable, these tips will help with performance.

Shutting down trees: It is best to shut down trees if you are not going to harvest them. Don’t worry, if someone visits your farm, you’ll still see the trees, they just won’t be visible to you while you’re working on your farm. You can change this setting in none other than the settings panel.

Freeze Animals – You don’t want animals moving around all over the place while you’re trying to play FarmTown. Freezing them also helps your performance.

You can also rotate from building and flowers. I always like to hide everything like this until I finish planting and plowing my farm. Once everything is straight and your wok is done, you can always turn it back on. Another cool feature of hiding everything this way is that it helps to get to fields that are hidden by buildings, trees, or flowers. Disabling all of these can increase the performance of your FarmTown game.

Change your browser – I don’t have any benchmarks to test this though, and it’s based solely on my opinion. Make sure to play the game in Firefox or Google Chrome browsers. The FarmTown game seems to play much faster on these browsers to me. Try it out for yourself and see if it helps your performance too.

You can also turn off background music and sounds to boost performance. If you’ve played for a while, you’ve probably already come across the mute button, as it can be quite annoying to listen to FarmTown music for long periods of time.

While every farm will be different and we all want our farms to look unique and stand out from the crowd. It is best to remember that all graphic elements will add download time to the game. For example, a farm with only four widgets on the page will load faster than a large farm with fifty elements on the farm. So if you’re not using the item, just save it and don’t display it. That can also help the performance of your FarmTown game.

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