Underbog is the second instance in Coilfang Reservoir. He has four strokes, total. Here is the strategy to beat the first and second bosses.


The first boss is Hungarfen. He has two abilities, and they involve swamp mushrooms. One spawns a mushroom that does 360 damage every two seconds and can stack up to five times. You must get out of this when it appears. The second is Foul Spores, which is a cloud of AOE poison that deals 400-600 poison damage every second. It also heals Hungarfen for four times that amount.

The trick to this fight is to have the tank move you up to 20% away from the mushrooms and then move away during Foul Spores. Hungerfen won’t move, so he won’t be able to heal himself. If you stay in the spore cloud, it will heal itself and be very difficult to kill.

Then the tank can aggro when the spell ends.


The second boss in the slave pens is Ghaz’an. This fight is simple if done right. He has three abilities to watch out for. His Acid Spit does 2000 natural damage to those in front of him. His Acid Breath stacks up to five times and deals 2000 natural damage and an additional 155 damage over five seconds. His Tail Swipe knocks back and deals damage.

Have the tank attack the hydra and drag it up the ramp. The tank must hold it against the wall because Ghaz’an’s recoil can throw the tank off the platform and into the water below. This will result in a raid wipe. Raid DPS should back up the hallway, out of melee range, or melee while standing on his belly to avoid the tail slam. To learn more about World of Warcraft, try reading the Team Idemise Guide.

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