If you chose to sleep with your baby or have kept him in a bassinet since birth, you will eventually need to purchase a crib and crib mattress once he grows up. After all, when the first three or four months are up, Mom and Dad may want to resume more regular sleeping arrangements and habits. Meanwhile, a bassinet is no longer safe for your baby once she can roll over. At this point, you may be considering the foam crib mattress vs. coil mattress debate and wondering which is better for your older baby.

The choice between a foam or spiral crib mattress can be difficult to make. After all, each type of mattress has its own advantages and disadvantages. This article examines both mattress types in detail to help you choose the right one for your baby.


Foam mattresses are made with a foam core and several layers of hypoallergenic fabric or plastic on top. They are very lightweight and are often very inexpensive as well. You can buy a repairable foam mattress for under $100, and you’ll be pleased to find that you can lift it with one hand when you change the sheets. However, if you want a firm mattress, get one that is made with a good quality, denser foam.

Firmness is less of a concern with toddlers and older babies who are less at risk for SIDS. However, experts still recommend that you use a sturdy mattress, as the risk does not disappear until the child is two years old. If you choose foam, make sure it is dense and strong enough to withstand the movements of an active child. It should also lie flat in your crib and fit snugly without bunching up or your baby being able to lift the corners, as this could pose a safety risk.


Spiral mattresses have a series of innersprings or coils in the center and layers of padding on top of them for softness and comfort. A good coil mattress will also have edge rods and corner braces to help it maintain its shape. Because of all the steel it contains, a spring mattress is naturally heavier than foam and can cost a bit more, although the best foam mattresses and inexpensive spring models are in the same price range.

Older babies will enjoy the resiliency of a coil mattress with a large number of coils. In fact, they might end up enjoying it too much and start to bounce off of it. A coil mattress should also be strong enough to support the weight of a larger child without sagging or losing its shape. Plus, bigger babies are less likely to soil their sheets, so the weight of a coil mattress will be less of an issue.

No matter which side of the foam vs. spiral crib mattress divide you end up on, remember to choose a good quality product that your baby can use even in the early years; that way, she’ll get more value for money out of it.

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