basic supplements

If you only want to supplement your diet with the absolute basics, this article is for you. Most Americans do not meet their basic micronutrient needs through food intake alone. Supplements become necessary to fill this gap.

When it comes to supplementation, there is what I call the “Hierarchy of Needs.” This hierarchy starts with the basic nutrient foundation and then progresses to advanced or hybrid supplements. Think of the hierarchy as looking like a pyramid, with the broad bottom as the base.

fundamental supplements

What are Basic Foundation Supplements?

There are two daily supplements that I like to call the staples. This is a high quality fish oil and multivitamin capsule. Let me explain why I chose these two.


The micronutrients found in a multivitamin are necessary to meet the demand that is missing from a normal whole foods diet. Most people do not consume enough vegetables and fruits for optimal nutrition. At the same time, keep in mind that it is not possible to correct a poor diet with supplements.

But taking any brand or type of multivitamin is not the solution. When it comes to supplements, most of the time, “you get what you pay for”. A common mistake consumers make is choosing to buy a bigger, cheaper bottle online or at a big box store. They are usually the hard heat pressed type and the rate of absorption into the body is quite low. When shopping for a multivitamin, look for a high-quality, name-brand capsule. You may also want to choose one that is gender specific. A male has different nutrient needs than a female.

A good multivitamin provides the basic nutrient needs that all others are built on. Just because you don’t notice a change in energy or some health problems doesn’t mean it’s not helping. Remember, a solid foundation may not have all the reinforcements of a luxury home, but it is the foundation of beauty. You are only as strong as your foundation.

Fish oil

Fish oil, also known as Omega-3, is my other go-to for building a strong, healthy foundation.

Omega-3s have very good anti-inflammatory properties. In today’s world, our diets are high in Omega-6s, which cause inflammation. If you choose to get the recommended dose of Omega-3 through diet alone, you will need to eat fatty fish at least 3-5 times per week. As you can see, this is not the easiest way to do it!

Like a multivitamin, fish oil is also sold at a discount in big box stores. But, these are rarely of high quality. A good fish oil supplement contains a high EPA/DHA ratio. With the higher ratio, the need to take numerous tablets is not necessary.


As I mentioned earlier, these two supplements are the foundation of any good supplementation of a healthy diet. Without a good multivitamin and fish oil, you’re building on shaky ground. Do yourself a favor and pick up a high-quality, Omega-3 multi today. Visit us on Facebook for more healthy tips.

To your health,

Greg Gruba D.C.

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