You feel so guilty about the breakup. You know you caused him a lot of pain and misery when you broke up with him. But now you realize that he really is the one for you. You love him beyond all else.

How can you get your boyfriend back if you broke his heart? You have spent many restless nights thinking of ways to get it back. But you realize that all those ways won’t work, because you’ve broken her heart.

Here are some tips that can help you Get your boyfriend back if you’ve broken his heart.

Give him time to recover from the breakup. He is under mental and emotional stress after the breakup, so give him time to recover. Do not communicate with him during this time. Leave it alone to tackle the bread.

Be humble. Humility is a virtue that can move mountains and soften a rock-hard heart. When you think he’s recovered enough and is ready to talk to you, take the first step. He tests the waters by sending a short text asking how he’s doing. But he doesn’t flood you with text messages every few minutes. He do it once the first time. If they don’t respond, let a day pass before sending another one. Do this intermittently until it responds. When he responds to you, you can start short text message conversations once a day and eventually progress to short calls. At the earliest opportunity, apologize to him for breaking his heart.

Show your concern for him, but don’t overdo it. Healing his broken heart will make him a stronger person, but let him know that you are there for him. You are a friend he can trust. Be his friend right now when he is emotionally down. Show him that you still care about him, despite the breakup, but don’t let him trust you. Give him space to stand up and make his own decisions.

Encourage him to decide what to do. Give subtle hints about how to get back together, but don’t push. Your presence and concern for him has made him realize that you can to be together again even if you have broken their warmth. But he’s afraid of having another chance with you. Work on that feeling. Do everything you can to make him trust you with his heart again.

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