Tension of Cables Using a Cable Tensioner

cable tensioner are a reliable way to adjust the tension of your cables. They have large rubber-dipped handles that allow you to grip them with two hands, making it easy to set and release them. They also come in a variety of styles and finishes, so you can choose the one that best fits your project’s aesthetic.

Cable railing offers a sleek, modern design that is durable and visually appealing. Whether you are using it to create a balcony railing, staircase handrail or patio fence, this cable hardware is designed to resist corrosion and last for years to come. However, if your cables are not properly tensioned, they can become slack and create cable sag, which is unsightly and unsafe for your guests or employees.

If you have a cable railing system with multiple runs, it is important to tension all the cables in an alternating sequence. This will ensure that the tension level remains consistent throughout the system. It will also help prevent any one cable from becoming loose, which can impact the performance of the entire system and potentially result in structural failure.

In addition, sagging cables are not only unattractive but can also cause injuries to those using the system. If you notice that any of your cables are sagging, use a light touch to tighten them and follow the tensioning sequence. Then, recheck the cable tension levels to ensure they meet the building code standards.

How to Adjust the Tension of Cables Using a Cable Tensioner

A common problem is when the cable pulls out of the tensioner fitting. This happens when the jaw latch mechanism inside the fitting is not properly lubricated. Spray WD-40 on the inside of the fitting and make a few sudden pulls to ensure that the jaw latch is working properly.

The other option for adjusting cable tension is to use a turnbuckle. This is an adjustable metal rigging screw with threaded ends that can be opened and closed by turning the handle. They are available in a variety of sizes and can be purchased with eye or jaw latches. They can be used in conjunction with either a swage stud or a threaded terminal to adjust the cable’s tension.

Both the turnbuckle and the terminal have internal threads to accommodate a bolt or nut, which is used to secure the mechanism. A wrench is then used to apply force to the nut or bolt to increase the tension on the cable.

Once the desired tension is reached, the nut can be tightened to lock the adjustment in place. It is important to note that the tension of a cable can be affected by environmental conditions, such as temperature or wind, which may require periodic adjustments. If you have any questions about how to maintain the optimal cable tension for your project, our team of experts can help. Contact us to discuss your options and schedule a free consultation. We will walk you through our installation process and provide a quote for your project.

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