A good kettle can be hard to find. Along with aesthetics, you’ll want a good pourer and one that will hold heat for as long as possible. Depending on the type of tea drinker you are, there are several other things to keep in mind; green tea requires a quite different teapot than your everyday cup of tea.

For a teapot guide, look no further…

potted story

The pottery from China created a sensation when the English first saw it: the quality was far superior to any European equivalent. That’s why they called it ‘china’, and the name remains to this day. The first teapots came from China, the homeland of tea, and were introduced to Europe in the 17th century. They used to be little individual pots, with tiny cups to match. These days, you can buy any type of teapot imaginable, from fancy porcelain teapots to fancy silver or even cheap aluminum ones. But what makes a teapot indispensable?

Choosing your pot

The ‘fat old brown betty’ pot is found in most homes and is used many times a day. It’s a functional teapot: the dark color won’t stain with tannin, and the rounded shape gives the leaves room to twist and release their flavor. When choosing a teapot for black tea every day, keep these points in mind:

or Does it look attractive? Half the comforting aspect of drinking tea is in the sight of a favorite teapot, with its plump curves and solid lines.

o Touch the pot with your finger. The clay should be as shiny and hard as possible, and harder clay will produce a higher-pitched tapping sound.

o Check the fit of the cover. A crock pot will have a vent in the lid, which should fit so tightly that when you cover the vent no liquid will come out of the spout.

o Of course, the flow from the spout is of the utmost importance, what’s worse than a dripping kettle! Unfortunately, it’s usually not practical to test a pot with liquid before buying it. Check that the top of the spout is even with the top of the pot. More oval spikes are less likely to drip than round ones.

o The handle should also be well positioned so that when you pick up the pot full of tea it does not put too much strain on your wrist. The handle should be wide enough that your knuckles don’t burn against the pot, and there should be enough distance between the spout and the top so that the hand holding the lid doesn’t get burned by the steam.

You may find that you amass quite a collection of different teapots in your search for the perfect one!

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