Determining what body type you belong to can be liberating. It can help you better understand your body composition, the efforts you need to put in to gain muscle, the sports that are right for you, the foods that will help you stay fit and achieve weight loss, etc.

No matter how hard some people try, genetics will always be one step ahead. You can’t beat your body type when it comes to fitness or weight loss. Eating clean is an essential aspect of fitness, regardless of your complexion.

You can improve your health and weight loss and get rid of the barriers you face by understanding your body type and knowing how to eat to help you be your best.

Our body type not only defines how we look, but also provides information about how our body responds to food intake. It also determines the characteristics of your hormonal and sympathetic nervous system (SNS). It has also been identified that a person’s body type can also define their metabolic abilities and differentiate them from other people when it comes to processing different types of food and gaining or losing weight. Which means it is an important factor that can be used to optimize your health goals.

Body types consist of three main categories: Ectomorph Endomorph Mesomorph

Most people may appear to possess characteristics from more than one of these categories, but that is likely due to the years of training and physical care they put into their health and body. And they could also be a mix of two different body types because of their parents.

Let’s now go into what these body types mean and what is the ideal diet in each case.

1. Ectomorph

People who belong to this type are skinny and skinny, which means they have slender limbs and a slender, narrow body. These guys have a high metabolic rate which makes them resistant to weight gain. But that also means they have a hard time building muscle. Ectomorphs can get away with eating excessive amounts of food without gaining weight, and they also have no problems with weight loss. They naturally have little body fat. But that’s not to say they don’t need to exercise or lead a healthy lifestyle, we all do.

what to eat

If you fall into the ectomorph category, you should aim to consume more carbs and less fat. Carbohydrates work great for this guy. Proteins should also be consumed but in moderate quantity. The fats consumed must be of good quality. Some examples are nuts, avocado, chia seeds, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil.

For ectomorphs, some experts have suggested that splitting nutrients in these ratios is ideal: 55% carbs, 25% protein, and 20% fat.

2. Endomorph

Endomorphs sometimes feel like they are the unlucky body type, being one of them I often seem like a challenge to get results and it seems like we always have to work harder than the other two body types to achieve minimal results.

Endomorphs tend to be fuller, rounder, and tend to store a lot of fat. The shape of our body is round and the joints are long. We have a large bone structure and some people in this category sometimes find it a bit more challenging to live an active lifestyle. This could be due to the challenges and frustrations of not getting the success they want as fast as they want compared to the other body types.

As endomorphs, our metabolic rate is characteristically very low and that promotes fat storage and a tendency to gain weight. This can be daunting and frustrating for people with this body type and it’s understandable why some people get tired and lazy.

But that’s not the right answer either, once you create a plan that includes understanding your body type, it’s easier to get results and achieve overall success on your weight loss and fitness journey.

Knowing your body type will remove all the confusion and misinformation that has added to the frustration people experience and keep things simple but successful. No diet or controlled eating patterns will give you the success that learning and understanding our body types, eating for that body type, and exercising for that body type can achieve.

what to eat

An endomorph would need to consume good quality fat and protein. As for carb intake, it’s tricky but very doable for endomorphs to put more emphasis on good fats and protein while incorporating some good low glycemic carbs.

So a breakdown of 25% carbs, 35% protein, and 40% fat. In simple words, consider eating more fat and protein and less carbs is a good place to start and may need to be adjusted based on results.

3. Mesomorph

This body type is considered genetically gifted. Mesomorphs are lean, muscular, athletic, and naturally active, making them great for sports. Their bodies are proportionally built, consisting of a medium-sized bone structure and considerable lean mass. People belonging to this body type can easily gain and lose weight by changing their diet and activity level. Due to high testosterone, mesomorphs can easily build muscle.

what to eat

If you are a mesomorph, you should consider eating a balanced diet. Which means dividing the food ratios into 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. The ability to easily gain muscle and weight means you need to focus on effective weight management throughout your life.

Going on a journey without a map or directions is the same as not knowing your body type but expecting results or success in your weight loss or fitness journey. We often don’t appreciate what our body does for us without asking until it stops doing it for us. Getting fit, losing weight and achieving health is simple but not easy to do.

But we can make it simple and easier by understanding the subject that is our body. This way we will have the information, understand the needs and gain the advantage to get what we want.

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