The other day my web developer of 20 years fired me. His reaction to a service request with my quote included came via email at 2:40am. than your agency fees. “We’re done here,” were his last words. I didn’t answer, I didn’t have to. He burned his bridge with me as a client, and I figured there were probably 100,000 other web developers to choose from, so I started looking for a new service provider, instead of playing keyboard warrior with a junk.

While on the subject of dealing with Difficult customer behaviors., I wanted to share this example of how our product or service offerings don’t always match what our customers need or can afford, and that’s okay. It’s not right or wrong, it just is what it is.

Instead of scolding or belittling a customer who asks for a lower price, it is recommended that you stick to your rates and let your customer tell you ‘no’.

Respond assertively, don’t react
For example, let’s say you want to negotiate a new rental agreement with your landlord. You, as a client, initiate a conversation with the landlord to request a reduction in rent to help get you through the next year and recover from lost income from this current pandemic situation. Your landlord could respectfully respond in one of two ways. (1) In favor of a new agreement, or (2) Against your request for reduced rent. Either way, a assertive response can maintain a good relationship.

  • Example Option 1 – Owner: “Let’s try to find a solution that works for both of us”,
  • Option 2 Example: Landlord: “Our original lease remains firm, Penny. I understand that these are difficult times, and I too have similar income challenges and must maintain the amounts we established above.”

With the vendor/service provider (owner in this case) standing on their original agreement, they didn’t have to say no to the request. It would then be up to me (the client) to say ‘no’ to the original agreement and find new commercial space for my business.

There are many ways to say no without saying “no,” and there are many ways to communicate assertively without ruining a good relationship, like my web developer did. An update on that… I found a more talented local female supplier that fits my budget or talk to me to find a solution that works for both of us and exceeds my expectations with quality and delivery time.

One of my favorite quotes that so many people congratulate me on. give and be rich it is “everything turns out more perfect than I could have imagined”…and he always does because I think he will.

Sometimes firing a client seems like the best option, and that’s okay. Be respectful, be assertive, and don’t burn your bridges.


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