Alcoholic breath is unpleasant. You may not know this because you don’t normally smell your own breath, but please spare your company and stop them from smelling your bad breath of alcohol. So again, how do you get rid of alcohol on your breath?

Chew some onions, is that going to help? Cut this, you’ll still smell just as bad. Chew a lot of gum at a time. This looks like something that would work; preferably mint flavor or something fresh to cover the smell. How to get rid of alcohol on the breath? You ask. Tongue scrapers can also be good for your breath.

But how do you get alcohol on your breath if you’re burping from time to time? Cola is said to be very acidic and can mask the smell of alcohol. Rinse with Listerine. Peanuts are great for hiding alcohol breath. Eat a lot of peanuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter. There is no valid research to confirm the effectiveness of peanuts, but people claim that it is true.

They say that the metal removes the smell of alcohol; so it makes sense when people claim that putting a penny in your mouth works. But be very careful not to swallow the penny or you will be in more danger than before. However, people may not want to try this, it sounds disgusting, and there is no way of knowing where the coin has been. Antipoleez – Take it with you wherever you go so you can have it when you need it. You can buy this at your local store.

These are just examples of how to get rid of alcohol on your breath. But unfortunately, it is said that the expulsion of alcohol in your system occurs through the digestive, respiratory and cleansing organs. That means the odor is more difficult to remove than simply brushing your teeth. After a certain level of consumption, alcohol seeps into the lungs and skin.

Eating lots of horrible tasting onions and lots of mints to cover up the bad smell of alcohol is fruitless and embarrassing. Doing this will cause more suspicion and therefore your attempt will be useless. And while peanut butter tastes great, some say it doesn’t work to get rid of bad breath.

Experts say the only way to get rid of breath alcohol is bentonite, pharmaceutical-grade clay combined with activated willow charcoal. You can get these items at your local stores; These are sold in capsule form and can be purchased for around $10. They also expel and absorb alcohol faster from your system.

If you have a drinking problem, it’s better to ask your family for help rather than cover it up by trying to figure out how to get rid of the alcohol on your breath. And don’t drink too much, especially when you’re driving.

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