Leather odors can be relatively easy to deal with on a small scale, but on a large scale they can seem entirely impossible. Good quality leather will smell pretty strong for years to come, really. So the real question to ask yourself is: Are you sure you want to remove the smell of leather from your leather products? Some people find the smell of leather quite sexy, and it is a good indicator that their leather is heavy gauge. Who doesn’t want to have that leather smell on their leather goods?

But for each one, and if you prefer your leather product (be it a jacket, car upholstery, sofa, or even your purse) to smell something completely different, follow the tips and advice below. For what it’s worth, you have something made out of animal skin. You should probably expect it to smell like animal skin.

Leather odor removal

* The only true cure (sorry for that pun) for leather musk is age; wait for the smell to disappear as the leather ages, ie. You can probably mask it with something else, but putting something on the leather will probably make the smell take longer to disappear.

* Masking agents are often used to try to eliminate troublesome odors. The problem with a masking agent is that it does just that, it “masks” or hides the smell of the leather; it will not delete it.

Masking agents are often oil-based and can leave a residue on the materials being treated. Masking agents can also trigger allergic reactions in sensitive people, such as runny nose and itchy watery eyes. A masking agent will also dissipate over time and the original leather odor may return, so use it with caution.

Potpourri, air fresheners, The Body Shop Scents, a particularly fragrant shampoo, perfumes, lemon juice and all of that are just a few of the many examples you can use to mask that animal skin stench.

* You may want to go to a stud shop (horse supplies), if there is one nearby, and ask them for help. There are all kinds of leather conditioners and cleaners, and some of them can help cover up the smell. Murphy’s oil soap, which is always what cowboys used to clean saddles and boots, might work as well (as well as making leather shine), but again, many of those same jeans generally try to keep! the smell of leather!

* On a small scale, leather odors can be removed simply by placing the garment or leather product in an airtight container with baking soda for a few days. However, this restorative treatment may or may not work on this particular odor and it is certainly not possible to carry it out on a large scale.

* Here’s another trick with baking soda; put your leather item in a bag / pillowcase. Sprinkle in a generous amount of baking soda. Fasten the bag, shake it well, and leave it there for at least twenty-four hours. The baking soda should help absorb some of the odors.

* You can also put your leather item in a plastic bag with crumpled newspaper for a few days; it should absorb the odor. This is also part of the reason why some shoe stores put newspaper inside their leather shoe products (in addition to preventing the shoe from warping due to the hollow interior).

* Activated charcoal can work just as well as the newspaper method, but you don’t want it to touch your leather item because it will ruin and stain its surface.

* You can also sponge the jacket with ΒΌ cup of white vinegar in a bucket or sink of water. Clean your beloved leather jacket with the solution. Rinse after, then apply the vinegar solution again, then rinse one more time and hang to dry somewhere out of direct sunlight as heat can damage the leather.

The vinegar will condition and clean the leather and remove odors, or at least it will once its own acidity dissipates from your leather item. You can do this occasionally or when it gets very dirty.

* You can also put pandan leaves on your smelly leather item. Pandan (P. amaryllifolius) leaves are used in Southeast Asian cuisine to add a distinctive aroma to rice and curry dishes such as nasi lemak, canned kaya (‘jam’), and desserts such as pandan cake.

Fresh leaves are usually cut into strips, tied in a knot for easy removal, placed in the cooking liquid, and then removed at the end of cooking. Dried leaves and bottled extract can be purchased in some places.

* You can also substitute Febreze with most cleaning agents here. Febreze uses a chemical compound called cyclodextrin that has been used in household cleaners and cleaners for quite some time.

The sugar-like substance doesn’t necessarily “clean” odors from leather, but it acts like an absorbent baking soda or crumpled newspaper to help absorb the smell of leather.

* You can also soak leather clothing in a bucket of bleach, rubbing alcohol, or ammonia solution for about an hour. Then you will find that the foul odor has been replaced by a charming hospital odor that is sure to attract the nostrils of the young gentlemen. Afterward, it may be necessary to reapply leather conditioner.

However, here are some words of caution; be sure to do a color fastness test on the leather to make sure it doesn’t fade due to bleach. It would also be wise to use oxygen bleach instead of chlorine bleach to avoid discoloration and drying in the first place.

Leather FAQ

What is the difference between full grain, top grain, genuine and regenerated leather?

All leather is not the same and it is important to understand the differences when buying leather products. Leather is a natural material. It is strong, breathes, isolates and molds to your body. It is a combination of beauty and strength. However, beauty and strength are influenced by the source, cut, and process of the skin.

* Full grain leather – This is the best leather you can buy. It is taken from the top layer of leather and shows the natural markings and grain of the leather. The natural surface of full grain leathers is polished and embellished with use. Full grain leather is polished over time.

This is the exceptional leather used in thick leather goods and leather accessories. Premium full grain cowhide and water buffalo leathers are extremely strong and durable. It is used in luxury briefcases and in expensive saddles and bridles.

It is this type of leather that has the most ‘musk’ of all the other types. This wanted (or not so wanted) smell sets it apart from all the others.

* Top Grain Leather – This is the second highest grade of leather. The top grain leather is separated from the top layer of blemished leather and sanded and refinished. Top grain leather is not polished or embellished with use, but is as strong and durable as full grain leather.

* Regenerated leather: regenerated leather is the lower part of the leather. The leftover chamois is ground together with glue and resurfaced in a process similar to vinyl manufacturing. Regenerated leather is weak and degrades rapidly with use.

* Genuine Leather – Produced from the layers of leather left after the top is separated for better grades. These weaker underlayers are known as suede. (Don’t be confused by the fuzzy finish, also known as “suede”). The suede surface is usually refinished to make it appear of a higher grade. It can be smooth or rough. Caution: The inferior quality of genuine leather becomes apparent with use.

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