A commercial kitchen is the place in a restaurant where food is prepared constantly and daily. There are usually several people working in this kitchen and there is also a lot of catering equipment that is in use all the time. With all this activity in the commercial kitchen, how do you keep it clean?

First of all, teach your staff to maintain high standards of hygiene. Instruct them to wash their hands every time they go to work with food. If they constantly work with food, instruct them to wash their hands every hour. When working with raw meat, they should wash their hands after handling the meat. They should be aware that dirty dishes should be placed in the sink and not left anywhere on a counter. It is essential that your staff knows the hygiene rules so that cleanliness reigns.

Wear disposable clothing such as latex or plastic gloves, sleeves, and shoe covers. Disposable hair nets, chef hats, and aprons are also good options. The idea of ​​disposable clothing is that it is worn only one day and can be thrown away at the end of the day. This ensures that many germs are killed and are not left behind in the kitchen. The next day, a clean set of disposable clothing is available to staff.

At the end of each day, do a thorough cleaning. Start with sweeping the floors. There will probably be food crumbs or chips on the floor from food preparation. Then mop the floors. Use clean water with detergent to ensure the floor is thoroughly cleaned. Clean all counter and table surfaces. Then wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth soaked in detergent or bleach to disinfect surfaces. Alternatively, spray surfaces with a disinfectant and wipe the surface with a clean cloth. Wash and dry all catering equipment that has been used during the day. Put all the dishes and cutlery in the dishwasher. This will save time in terms of washing dishes by hand and the dishwasher will do a very good job of washing all the dishes you might have at the end of the day. It’s also a good idea to run the dishwasher earlier in the day, when you notice the dishes are piling up. Washing the dishes twice a day is a good plan.

At the end of the day, no dirty surfaces, catering equipment or dishes should be left behind.

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