Do you struggle to find things in your suite? Maybe it’s time for you to start organizing this area a little better. Here are some great tips you can use to better organize your belongings in your bedroom and bathroom.

Fortunately, stores today are full of wonderful containers and gadgets that you can use to store everything from clothing to jewelry to toiletries. Most of them can be customized to fit your decor, and they come in many wonderful designs and colors.

If you like to see where everything is, try buying clear plastic boxes and containers so you can see just what you need at a glance.

If you’re looking for ways to store your jewelry, why not buy miniature stackable drawers? These could be the same type one would buy for a garage to store nails and screws. This way you can label the drawers and store all your jewelry neatly. There are also wonderful necklace hangers available today on which you can hang your favorite pieces and make them a feature of your dressing table.

Try to color coordinate your tops in a neat stack in your closet. She hangs dresses with dresses, skirts with skirts. This way you’ll easily see what you want to wear and save time in the morning when you need to find something coordinated quickly.

Shoes are often a problem as they sit at the bottom of your wardrobe and get tangled up. When it comes to finding a matching pair, it can be frustrating, especially when you’re in a hurry. Try organizing your shoes in shoe boxes or see through bins that you can stack. Keep the smart shoes you don’t wear too often at the bottom and the ones you wear most often at the top.

If you’re short on space, try using the backs of doors for storage. You can buy storage for shoes, bags, or scarves that can be attached to the back of a door, whether it’s a closet door or your bedroom door. Hooks screwed into the door can also help by keeping coats or robes out of the way. If you don’t like drilling holes in your doors, you can purchase over the door storage, which are hanging devices that go over the top of your doors.

To store your toiletries, it is a good idea to use transparent plastic boxes. This will keep all of your toiletries neatly together. If you’re smart you can have all your facial skin care in one container, your bath products in another, and your nail care kit in yet another. This will save you a lot of time searching for containers, especially when you are in a rush in the mornings.

Bathrooms always look good with wooden baskets. Laundry hampers have never looked better and one can buy bathroom shelves to keep all those knickknacks in order. Towels can also be stored in drawers that can be purchased to match the laundry basket.

If you’re trying to order, here are some basic rules:

Throw it away if:

1. You don’t know what it is.
2. It’s broken: Most of the time it’s cheaper to buy a new one than to fix it.
3. You have too many of the same.

Keep it if:

1. It belongs to someone else, unless they give you permission to throw it away.
2. It makes you happy.
3. You can’t make up your mind. Keep it for another year, and if you don’t use it, get rid of it.

Most importantly, if you want an organized life, take one step at a time. Every little thing you clean will ultimately lead to a neater and tidier life in the long run.

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