Antivirus Pro 2010 is a sick piece of malware. It is strongly recommended that you remove Antivirus Pro 2010 as soon as possible. This software pretends to be an antivirus program while it is! It displays false alarm messages, tricking those who are unaware into believing that their computer has been infected. websites and antivirus software to prevent it from being removed. This is a parasite that needs to be removed urgently.

If you want to remove Antivirus Pro 2010, you will need to be a computer expert. You will need to know how to kill processes, delete registry key values, unregister DLLs, and finally delete specific folders. This type of manual removal is not easy, and a mistake can result in a computer that no longer works. I do not recommend you try such a removal unless you are a professional or a serious techie.

The first step in removing Antivirus Pro 2010 is to remove the processes associated with it. This basically stops the virus from working at the time, but it won’t remove it from your computer. Simply put, it’s idle but not turned off, and it will restart the next time you turn on your computer. Also, many viruses like these run multiple programs that are interconnected and restart their peers if you don’t remove them all. Killing processes means calling Task Manager and selecting the processes identified as part of the virus to terminate.

After removing the processes, the next step to remove Antivirus Pro 2010 is to remove the registry key values ​​associated with it. The registry is a system function in Windows that keeps track of many things, including programs. As such, it’s critical to the system’s operation, so before any modification, you’ll need to make a backup, just in case you make a mistake. After making a backup, you will need to dig into the depths of the registry, particularly the HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folders.

DLLs are dynamic link libraries, basically program components that allow certain commands to be executed. Many viruses use them as a way to disguise malicious code, and Antivirus Pro 2010 is no exception. DLLs are often found inside the folder containing the virus’s executable files, but deletions are not enough. Unregistering these DLLs will ensure that no references are left behind and thus any hidden backups will become useless. After that, all you need to do is to permanently delete the files and folder that contains the virus.

As you can see, it is a difficult and technical process to do it manually. The best way to remove Antivirus Pro 2010 is to use automatic removal tools. I personally use automated tools, and have been at this for years! Manual removal is simply too risky and time consuming, it’s less expensive to buy a piece of protection software that will work for years to come.

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