Selling ice melts continues to be big business each winter and with these sales come many questions. In this article, a small business that sells ice melts over the Internet answers the top 20 questions ice melt buyers ask.

1) Why should I use melted ice? ANS: Security is the main reason. Other reasons include preventing damage from heavy ice buildup and simply the convenience of keeping traffic areas clean.

2) Why does melted ice contain chemicals other than salt? ANS: Added chemicals prevent ice from melting and set the minimum temperature at which the product works effectively.

3) What ice melter should I use? ANS: The customer is the best person to make that decision based on their unique needs. Cost, environmental friendliness, weather pattern, and the area where the ice melt will be applied all play a role in the decision.

4) What are my options for melting ice? ANS: You have two options; Urea or Salt (contains chloride). Urea is used in lawn fertilizers, but as ice melt it is sold in much higher concentrations, so don’t buy the “it won’t burn your lawn” comment. The salt can be sodium chloride (rock salt is 95-98.5% pure), potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, and/or calcium chloride. Different brands of ice melt often mix these salts in proprietary blends along with added chemicals.

5) What is the least expensive ice melt? ANS: Rock Salt is less expensive, but many companies offer several “cheap mixes” that will work well in your driveway and be more environmentally friendly.

6) Why is the minimum effective temperature (MET) of ice melting important? ANS: If you live in a climate where freezing temperatures rarely occur, you may be wasting money buying an ice melt that works down to -25 degrees F.

7) What are the melting “METs”? ANS: Potassium Chloride +25F, Urea +20F, Rock Salt +10F, Magnesium Chloride -22F and Calcium Chloride at -25F. However, with the additional chemicals, many manufacturers are able to vary these temperatures slightly for their proprietary blends.

8) Is a fast acting ice melter always better? ANS: No. In areas where slip and falls are a greater concern, a fast-acting product may be your best option. These products often require more frequent application, which can increase cost and risk of damage.

9) Which ice melters are safe? ANS: All products on the market are generally safe when used as directed. Both urea and salt will burn grass and can irritate the bottom of your pet’s paws. You should store melted ice in a sealed area out of the reach of pets and children.

10) Does melted ice contain any kind of poison? ANS: No. However, if ingested by a person or animal, it is recommended that you contact your doctor (or vet).

11) Which ice melts are better for the environment? ANS: Lower chloride mixes are better for the environment but will be more expensive, especially if you want them to work in sub-zero temperatures.

12) What other safety and property damage concerns should I be aware of when using ice melts? ANS: Exceeding recommended use and/or heavy traffic moving melted ice to unintended areas can damage concrete, carpet, floors, wood decks, and vegetation.

13) What can I do to protect vegetation from snowmelt applications? ANS: Follow package directions and use the green (more expensive) products where vegetation is a concern.

14) What can I do to protect carpets/wood floors from melting ice traffic? ANS: Vacuum and/or damp sponge any residue left on your carpet/wood floor. Use rubber mats in high-traffic areas during bad weather.

15) What can I do to protect my wooden decking? ANS: Salts from ice melt can penetrate the pores of the wood and cause early degradation as it recrystallizes. Therefore, it is not the best product for a wooden deck. Sand and/or matting are better solutions. Wood sealers offer some protection.

16) What can I do to protect my concrete surfaces from ice melt damage? ANS: The use of ice melt will increase the number of freeze-thaw cycles, increasing the risk of concrete embedment on the surface. Never use melted ice on concrete that is less than one year old. Clean up the slush as soon as possible. Using concrete sealers will also help.

17) Can I use melted ice on my roof? ANS: Although ice melt is an option for roofs, it is often not the best option. Accumulated ice on roofs is caused by excessive heat loss. Correcting heat loss or installing heating elements to prevent ice buildup is a better preventative measure. Consult a professional roofer for guidance when removing ice from a roof.

18) Can I use melted ice on the surface of my brick? ANS: Ice melters are not recommended on these surfaces.

19) Can I use the leftover melted ice for other purposes, such as a water softener? RESP: This is not recommended. The ice melt will carry over for next year’s use, is less suitable for other purposes and will require more brine tank cleaning in the softeners.

20) How can I make my purchase of melted ice better? ANS: People who need less than 100 bags (50 pounds each) per year should consider their local hardware or grocery store. When usage is higher, consider using the internet to research available ice melting products for your needs.

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