Whoever influences us throughout our life will have a great impact on what we achieve or fail to achieve in life. Whether you believe this or not, there are too many supporting facts that prove this to be undeniably true.

There are some influences that we have to accept and cannot or cannot change. We have the influences from an early age of our parents; While we hope that these influences are good and beneficial, it is not inconceivable that they could be the other way around and lead us down a path of conditioning that forms habits. This can also apply to our early education, and by the age of nine, certain teachings and principles are accepted as the norm. In fact, because they come from an accepted form of great influence; that is, the teacher (the system), we never intend to question them.

In these early days of our youth, we make friendships that can last a lifetime, but we will form many alliances before we reach the maturity of adulthood. The friendships we make continue throughout our working lives, and just like in our school days, certain relationships and influences seem to be more pressed upon us than if we had chosen them ourselves. Some of these influences can have a beneficial and lasting effect on our lives, while others, if we allow them, can turn negative and destructive.

It is this influence by association that has led us to the path we are currently on. It is a path that has mainly been chosen by us and that is accepted by the majority. The greatest path and one that is taken by very few people is one of their own choosing and that which will bring them success and ultimate achievement. We start to surround ourselves with the people who will get us there and the difference is that this influence by association is now our choice.

The people we associate with will ultimately influence and determine our future. If you work a nine to five job and socialize with friends who are in the exact same position, do you really expect to become financially independent and successful? On the other hand, if we separate from our co-workers when our shift ends and surround ourselves with successful people and start reading and hearing how to become one and the same, don’t you think this influence by association will be much more productive and effective? beneficial.

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