Eye-rolling gets a bad rap, especially when a teen reacts to a parent with Leave me alone eyes. However, you can roll your eyes at the power of good: your relaxation!

When your eyes are closed, you can let your eyes soften and relax. Then your body slows down and your unconscious mind guides you towards a deeper renewal.

You probably know that while you sleep, your eyes move. At a later stage of sleep comes REM–Rapid Eye Movement. Then your eyes bounce under the lids, dreaming of monsters riding bikes or other strange imaginations.

Your eyes also move when you are getting ready to sleep or have insomnia. Not the rapid movement of REM, but small movements under the closed eyelids. They move as you remember things to do, imagine talking to your boss, or wonder if you should get up. When your eyes are closed, you’re resting and helping your body pump out some melatonin.

You can use your eyes to relax more deeply.

All you have to do is roll your eyes at the back–although you are actually rolling them up or down. That shifts the eye patterns from a waking (work/worry) direction to a deep sleep or rest pattern. In fact, many meditators suggest rolling your eyes to deepen your inner experience.

When I want to change my thinking with my eyes closed, I roll my eyes. That connects me with my unconscious mind and calms my body. When you sleep, your eyes naturally roll up and back.

Both the down and up rolls are worth trying.

First just close your eyesand notice how your mind and body feel. then roll your eyes below. Notice your breathing and your feeling of relaxation. Then raise your eyes and observe your breath and your body again.

When I roll my eyes, my breathing slows a bit and my arms feel more relaxed. There is a subtle change in each state of eye roll.

The strange thing is that when my eyes are rolled back, my mind’s eye still thinks I’m looking straight ahead. When I open my eyes, there is a clear difference. If my eyes are in front with my eyes closed, I can focus quickly when I open my eyelids. If I roll my eyes, it looks blurry when I get my vision back.

Some of my clients notice a noticeable change in their entire body when they roll their eyes. Others play with it for a while before noticing how the rolling eyes can transform them. Some may not tell much of a difference.

What power do rolling eyes have for you? You will find yourself changing your mind and body without doing much at all.

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