Lions are the best cats in Africa!

1. Lions are the only social cats that live in groups called prides.

2. Male lions are the only cats with a mane, a trait whose origin and purpose have divided scientists.

3. Living in prides helps lions survive tough times, which is particularly beneficial for vulnerable young cubs who need protection.

4. Lion cubs have spots at birth that fade with age.

5. In the pride, lionesses specialize in hunting, while the role of large males is to provide protection from strangers.

6. Lions take down a variety of prey animals including gazelle, wildebeest, buffalo and even elephants in certain parts of Africa (eg Botswana).

7. Lions do not like competition and will often attack and kill other predators such as leopards, hyenas, and cheetahs.

8. Contrary to popular belief, recent research indicates that male lions participate in 50-60% of hunts, particularly when larger prey is required.

9. There is also increasing evidence that lions feed on carrion and frequently attack hyenas to steal their prey.

10. Although not as notorious as tigers for eating men, lions sometimes resort to attacking people, displaying great cunning and bravery, as seen in the case of the Tsavo man-eaters nearly a century ago.

11. A pride made up of interrelated females and one to four adult males – Young male lions are expelled from the pride when they show signs of maturity.

12. Known as nomads, these young males roam, form coalitions, and survive alone until they are strong enough and mature enough to take over their own pride.

13. The lion is known as the king of beasts for his bravery and fighting skills!

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