Mainstream, at this writing, means demonstrating through your life, work, relationships, etc., an “acceptable” model or role model, as much as possible, a model that is allowed some leeway as long as it is a composite of descriptions provided by the various prevailing social, religious and educational systems and models, as well as family and cultural descriptions or models.

In short, what you do and how you do it appeases the tribe and sub-tribes, allowing you to feel safe, considered worthy of being included by the tribe. It means you are more likely to receive approval and compensation rewards.

Please be clear: there is nothing “wrong” with the mainstream. It has its purpose. The mainstream provides a level of order for the “mechanisms” of society to work most of the time. It is a perfect fit for many. And, mainstream and non-mainstream each have their positives/negatives.

Conventional swimming is only problematic if you always knew it wasn’t the right current for you. You can try swimming in it, but it’s like an obstacle course rather than a satisfying journey or adventure. Swimming with a “fin” in each current may be a better option for you.

Why is this important?

If you’re a more unconventional guy, you may still be trying to fit in, so you do what the tribe and sub-tribes say you must do in order to receive the rewards of approval, compensation, and the feeling that you’re safe. . Feeling safe is the basis of their motivations. And even if you do have some periods of serenity or happiness and rewards, these are temporary and/or not as rewarding as you want.

If you’re contemplating jumping into a stream that fits, or if you’ve made the jump, unless you’ve dealt with your fears and contrasts about being comfortably conventional vs. you fit better into a different stream, you will experience contrasts in your life, some of them huge. And you may not understand why they appear repeatedly. He may even think it’s because he’s not worthy, he’s not really unique, he’s actually conventional and just fooling himself (or lazy, as some of the principals may have told him).

This has huge implications if you are a person who knows that you have to be an entrepreneur in order to follow your passion(s) when it comes to services or products (solutions) that you feel compelled to share with others (but apply). this to any area of ​​your life). How could this affect you?

You can deny yourself rewards, because you’re running a program that says being different deserves a penalty.

Consider this: If you’re not from the mainstream and have experienced less than ideal rewards or satisfaction while “playing” in mainstream land. . .

1) It had to be this way so that you could discover that you are better suited to a different current, one that allows you to be yourself, or you need to create a way to merge the two.
2) It is possible that he was penalized because he did not fit the general model. This could include comments from anyone who disapproves of you because you’re not making a “real effort” to fit the model someone wants you to fit. (Some of those people who disapproved are actually non-mainstream people too scared to leave that stream, a sort of “misery loves company” affection.)

The interesting thing about the second above is that if you received disapproval for being unconventional (maybe even told you were a source of humiliation), it most likely started when you were a child. And, if your life is not satisfying now, it is very likely that you have continued to punish, deny yourself rewards, disapprove or criticize yourself, even into adulthood.

oh . . The Big Dilemma: You are a unique individual and found yourself on a playing field where most of your fellow players didn’t appreciate being too unique and not homogeneous enough. By the way, you can find or create your ideal playground.

This is all interesting, but what are you supposed to do? That is the question, yes?

I offer three approaches for those of you who have decided you are ready to be Uniquely You, as we are not all playing the same game.

Life: I’m fine, you’re fine; and I can choose to put aside what others think and be my authentic self, from a place of personal integrity. And I am so focused on creating the life I choose, that I don’t direct my energy to criticize others.

Law of Attraction: I match my vibrations with my ideal expression of myself in every area of ​​my life, and I attract ideal people, events, and resources into my life.

Quantum: I am an infinite being (creative consciousness) having a human experience, which means I decided to see what it’s like to feel the opposite -limited- until I decide to wake up from this lucid dream and play another way. To do this, I created a playground with playmates who read the lines I/I give them. I believe (d) everything in this lucid dream that I chose/choose to make sure I have this experience. I understand that true power is not on the stage, nor in the actors, nor in the words, nor in any material thing, nor in the dream, but that it comes from me. I install the patterns in the quantum field and I can appreciate the brilliant work I did/do to make it look real. As it feels appropriate, I take back the energy of the patterns I created as they grab my attention and play differently.

The crux of this is that your life experience is more than likely not what you want if you are punishing yourself (withholding rewards: approval, appreciation, money, success, etc.) for being You.

The next time you set your sights on an objective or goal and begin to create strategies and action steps to achieve or obtain a result, check in with yourself to see if you are ready to receive the desired result or if you think you are not. he deserves it is reverberating at a deep level. Use the approach, of the three offered above, that resonates most with you to move this forward.

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