
The personality type of January and December Capricorn is pretty similar, with each sign displaying a practical and efficient approach to work and relationships. However, there are some key differences. While both January and December Capricorns are ambitious, practical, and prone to workaholism, there are some differences between the two, too. These differences can be attributed to changes in astrological composition.

January and December Capricorns are both signs ruled by Saturn. But January Capricorns have two subrulers that add depth to their personality. The second decan is Taurus, and the third decan is Virgo. The subrulers of these two signs make January Capricorns more romantic and social than their December counterparts. Despite their apparent differences, they share the same underlying traits, including a practical attitude and a love of order and organization.

Both January and December Capricorns possess the same traits, but January Capricorns are more detailed-oriented. Their homes and offices may be neater than December Capricorns’. They also tend to be more meticulous in their projects, as well as in their presentations. While January Capricorns will accept the simplicity of a presentation or project, they might take it a step further by making it look attractive.

January Capricorn Vs December Capricorn

December and January Capricorns exhibit a wide variety of characteristics. December Capricorns have more Saturn personality traits, while January Capricorns exhibit more of Venus and Mercury personality traits. However, their temperaments may vary depending on the time of year. The January Capricorn is generally more determined than its counterpart, and may be more charming and social than December Capricorns.

While both months are full of surprises, they are opposites in terms of their temperaments. The month of January is colder than the month of December. While the former is more emotional, December Capricorns are more reserved and do not show their emotions. Despite this, they are both critical and will speak up if they feel they’ve stepped on someone’s toes.

Despite the differences in the sign of the zodiac, the Capricorn in December and January share many qualities that make them compatible. Their strong work ethic, practical outlook, and dry humor make them an excellent combination. They also make for great partners, and they have a similar sense of humor. In fact, some of the most famous couples in history were Capricorn and Virgo.

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