Once one of the most attractive destinations in Uganda with a rugged mountainous landscape, a strong wild atmosphere and unique game and bird life, the Kidepo Valley National Park is located in North East Uganda. Ranging in elevation from 914 m to 2,750 m above sea level, Kidepo’s highest peak is Mount Murungole (2,750 m), which stands free on the southeastern edge of the park. It has dormant vegetation that is open or lightly wooded savannah, mixed with patches of montane forest, riparian forest, borassus palms, thick miombo forest, and rocky koppies. The park receives a severe dry spell of more than six months and scant rains in March or April that dry out quickly in the Narus Valley, where animals converge until the rain returns. Although overlooked by tourists, Kidepo is home to unique fauna and flora that cannot be found in any park in Uganda. Tourists ignore the area due to insecurities attributed to Karamajong cattle raiders. However, the area is regaining peace and you no longer have to worry about anyone. If you still have a phobia of the area but still want to go see the uniqueness that Kidepo has to offer, you can take chat flights to the park. The park also has hot springs like Kanangarok, which are worth visiting during your Kidepo tour.

The fauna of Kidepo:

Known for having the most exciting faunas in Uganda, Kidepo has more than 86 species of mammals which rank 3rd in Uganda, of which 28 species are large commercial centers found nowhere else in Uganda, making tourists yearn to reach this park despite everything. Second only to Queen Elizabeth National Park, the park has over 450 recorded bird species. Primates, butterflies and other small creatures inhabit Kidepo. The most common animals in the park include; Monkey paws, big-eared fox, striped hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, lions, African hunting dogs, genets, anteater mustelids, caracal and mongoose. The park also has antelope, 7 of which are unique to Kidepo and these include: the great Kudu, Biera Oryx, Guenther’s dik-dik, mountain reedbuck and roan antelope. The other antelopes in the park include the Defassa waterbuck, klipspringer, Jackson’s hartebeest, topi, and Bohor reedbuck. The park is also home to giraffes, buffalo, Burchell’s zebras, and wild boar, to name a few. If we are going to mention animals one by one we cannot finish, we can spend the whole day mentioning the different and unique wonders of the park.

Bird watchers pride;

As stated above, the park is home to more than 460 species of birds, of which the park has eastern species that are found nowhere else in Uganda and are the majority of East African birds. These include Black-breasted Barbet and Karamoja Apalis to mention. Birding is more exciting at Apoka Rest Camp in Narus Valley, which is the park’s headquarters. In the camp you can locate many birds in the vicinity of these, some include; The attractive silver bird, the mosque swallow, the scarlet-breasted sunbird, the vinous dove, the yellow-rumped seedeater and the Nubian woodpecker to mention. Throughout the Apoka Lodge, you may be able to spot African Broad-tailed and Whiskered Warblers, Brown Parrots, and Crimson-rumped Waxbills. Species such as Flappet Larks, Black-headed Plover, Common Buttonquail and Songing Bushlark can be seen on the airstrip. For bird watchers I think this is another refuge.

It may be along the road, although it’s cheaper that way, but it’s really rewarding since the park has it all. Chatter flights aren’t expensive either, they’re under $500 roundtrip. So while you are in Uganda, you can schedule a 3 day tour to Kidepo and you will not regret your decision.

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