In recent times, the level and tone of words, actions and behaviors coming from some of our leaders have reached new lows. This must be noted and remembered as we watch, select and support the leaders of the future.

Our leaders must possess a set of qualities that reflect American values ​​before they are considered for higher office. The values ​​and qualities that we deserve and should demand of our candidates include:

1. A well-known history of honesty and integrity.

2. The willingness to comply with the highest standards of ethical behavior.

3. Courteous and respectful people with others.

4. People who can be trusted because their words and behaviors are consistent

5. People who always act in the best interest of Our Country

6. People standing up to admit mistakes and take responsibility for them

7. Stable and reliable people

8. People who have a history of positive performance with important and significant results

9. People who defend the Principles and Values ​​of Our Country

10. People who have great respect for the rule of law

11. People who are direct and effective communicators

12. People who make logical decisions after considering facts, history, research, and reliable advice.

All candidates for higher office must be judged on these qualities before being included on a list of possible candidates for political office. I am confident that we can find people who meet these requirements and still hold to a wide range of beliefs and goals that will give voters of all political parties a choice of candidates they can align with and support.

When we ignore these important standards of behavior and performance and select candidates simply because we agree with their stated goals, we may end up with highly flawed candidates who:

1. Placing little value on truth and facts

2. Put themselves first

3. Act like thugs and dictators

4. Making poor choices and decisions

5. Harming our country internally and around the world

6. Push the limits of decency with your words and behavior

7. They consider themselves above the law

8. Relying on alternative facts, disorientation, obfuscation and lies

9. Surround yourself with people of questionable character

All college students, regardless of their political leanings (liberal, moderate, or conservative), should recognize the need for honest, ethical, trustworthy, and highly principled candidates. As the newest generation of voters, you have the power and responsibility to raise the quality and reliability of candidates who will run for higher office in our country by creating a personal vetting process that fully exposes the behavior and Past performance of each candidate on each of the twelve qualities described above.

If each of us can become more objective in the early stages of political consideration, we can begin to hold candidates to the standards that should be expected of those who wish to carry our country forward. However, if we blindly support any candidate who uses the words we want to hear, we are doomed to suffer the serious consequences of selfish leadership.

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