Have you been unlucky enough to come across the dreaded red ring of death? If so, you’ve joined the other 33% of Xbox owners who have encountered this problem at some point in the life of their Xbox 360. Microsoft has recognized that this is an important issue regarding the future of the console. ; therefore, they started a program that specifically focuses on repairing affected consoles. All you have to do is contact their customer support, tell the technician that your console has the 3 red lights error, answer a few questions, and then send your console in for repairs.

This is one of the ways you can get your Xbox 360 repaired and it seems like the ideal solution, however there are some major hiccups with having to ship your console to Microsoft. Firstly, you could be waiting up to 2 months to receive your console and secondly, Microsoft may not even do any repairs on the console, instead they will send you a different refurbished console. Now there are no guarantees that the refurbished will not find the 3 red rings as well, some users have gone through as many as 3 consoles only to receive another console experiencing a hardware failure again. So it’s entirely up to you whether you’re willing to wait months for your console to be fixed, which apparently can’t even be fixed again.

On the other hand, if you can’t do without your Xbox 360 for a week, let alone months, there is an easier and more efficient way to get your Xbox 360 back up and running, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home. The secret is to get a legitimate Xbox 360 repair guide that can walk you through the entire repair process step by step, using online videos and detailed PDF written instructions. These guides can be purchased online and are guaranteed to fix the Xbox 360 red circle of death in a couple of hours. However, whenever you’re looking to get one of these guides, be sure to check to see if they offer a full money-back guarantee, that way you’ll know the guide is legit and you’re not being scammed by someone selling you the infamous delinquency method. towel trick

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