A lemur for sale makes a good pet to have around the house. Lemurs are very good companions to have around the house because they are very energetic. If you’re chewing something, he wants to eat some too. This sounds fun, but it also means that you should discipline your pet lemur by establishing manners. This should be done while the lemurs are still young. By doing so, you can teach your pet lemur that he can eat his food if you hand it over to him and not when it is on his plate. If he doesn’t follow the rules, putting him in his cage when he eats is a good idea.

A lemur for sale can look really cute, but you need to set rules if you want to have a harmonious relationship with your pet. This will also help you prevent your exotic pet from ruining your home furnishings. Lemurs will steal food from you and your family if you let them. This is actually your way of getting their attention and getting them to have a reaction. This is something they love. Knowing that your pet is interested in spending time with you is good, but not all the time, so teaching lemurs some manners at a young age is very important. Provide your pet with proper discipline and you will avoid many problems for you, your family and your home.

Lemurs are highly intelligent exotic animals. They are also known to be really agile. Lemurs generally don’t knock things over, injure themselves, or destroy things around them, but some precautions are still necessary and you should be aware of them. If you decide to let your lemur run loose inside the house, be sure not to let it enter rooms that have ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are considered a big no-no when lemurs are allowed to roam loose inside the home, as they can cause serious injury to them. Your pet lemur may decide to jump on the fan and hit the middle of the blades and injure himself as a result. Aside from ceiling fans, lemurs also get excited quickly by sudden loud noises, so you need to be careful when cooking in the kitchen. Lemurs are highly recommended to be kept in their cages whenever you need to cook food inside the kitchen.

When the time comes when you need to put your pet lemur back in its cage, be sure to allocate some time for this, as these exotic animals can determine when you want to catch them and when you just want to pet them. This can cause you to have a chase inside the house, but that is something you do not want to do as this can result in broken furniture, future behavior problems, and a scared pet. Instead of chasing your lemur around the house, try using treats to lure him into his cage.

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