About two hundred thousand years (200,000) years ago the first human being stepped on the face of this beautiful planet Earth and since then his rivalry with mother nature has continued.

Let’s take a tour from the beginning to the present day and see how the human race has committed violent crimes and atrocities against mother nature.

In the beginning, man learned to plow and cultivate and benefited from the Earth. But soon his violent nature got the better of him and he started killing other animals and species for food. This was just the beginning. Going further in time, we see that man began to cut down trees and thus found a new way to harm the environment. But all this did not cause any permanent damage, as the Earth constantly replenished it.

Now, scrolling through the pages of history and crossing the stone age, the bronze age and the iron age we come to the dawn of modern society. When the first chimney was raised on the face of this Earth, when the first factory was set up, the same day that the death of the environment began, the same day that nature began to count its last breaths.

Now if we look back and see how much damage we have done in the last 3 or 4 hundred years. We are the only ones responsible for degrading the ecosystem, destroying the ozone layer and causing global warming. We are not only destroying nature, we are also threatening our very existence.

Hundreds of species of animals and plants have become extinct and some are on the verge of extinction, but what do we care? The only thing that matters to us is having a comfortable life even if it means destroying the entire planet.

Nature is the best companion and we are destroying our best companion for material things. As someone said, “There is pleasure in the trackless woods, there is ecstasy on the lonely shore, there is society where no one intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not man less, but nature more. Nature does not rush, but everything is achieved. Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.”

It’s not too late and things are not out of control yet. We may not be able to give back all that we have taken from this planet, but we may not be able to stop the damage that has been going on. We may never be able to make it up to mother nature, but we can do something to cover up our crimes.

There are about 7 billion people living on this planet and if each person plants a tree, that makes 7 billion trees worldwide. This may be a small initiative and it could be a drop in the ocean, but it would still be something.

So let’s make a promise that we will do everything in our power to stop the violence against nature and plant as many trees as we can so our future generations can breathe fresh, clean air. It’s time to give back what we’ve taken from the environment and do something good for this planet.

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